chapter three - freed

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tym gares al leir - time causes all to learn

chapter 03 - freed.

gevherhan smiled as she came face to-face with bülbül aga

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

gevherhan smiled as she came face to-face with bülbül aga. the eunuch lit up upon seeing the sultana, bowing imediately. "allah has heard our prayers! the gentle raven is back! may allah protect you, sultana." the girl smiled softly. "amin. it is good to see you, bülbül. i have no doubts my grandmother is waiting to see me...? along with fahriye sultan...?" the slave nodded, opening the door for her. gevherhan motioned for her ladies to stay outside of safiye's rooms, while walking through the threshold, while her long hair fell down her back. the youngest sultana bowed to her elder ones, fahriye hugged the girl before safiye did the same. "our sultan has finally brougth you home.  i have no doubt he will want your council-" knowing safiye, she already had a plan to use gevherhan against ahmed. she was always schemeing, especially with fahriye and hümaşah. "before you say anything, grandmother, all the council that his majesty, the sultan, will get from me... will be from my own mind and heart. not yours. and... there are other matters for us to discuss. fahriye, as much as i love you, i would like to speak to safiye sultan alone." fahriye looked confused, but bowed to both before leaving the room. gevherhan smiled and sat next to her grandmother. "what has your mind so worried that you sent your aunt away...?" safiye asked, a look of confusion forming on her aging face. "i made a promise to all my servants: if i ever returned to the sultan's good graces, they would all be freed." freed? safiye thought. could she be any crazier?  "what nonesense?! you will not do such a thing!" gevherhan looked at her grandmother, a smile now gracing her supple cheeks. "i thought it would be my father's good graces, but allah called him home. now, i am in the new sultan’s good graces! andthat is where you're wrong, grandmother... i will... with or without your consent. i am a sultana! a sultana of the blood! and i will do as i like. after all, i am the only daughter of valide handan sultan! and i am my father's daughter. i will do as i like." standing up, she curtised to her grandmother. "just thought you oughta know... sultana..." before safiye could yell at her more, gevherhan swiftly left her rooms, smiling at her ladies. "come on. we have a party to ready for. and i need the hammam!" 

word traveled quickly around the harem

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

word traveled quickly around the harem. the slaves, both concubine and eunuch alike, of firuze gevherhan sultan had been freed. and yet, all of them stayed within the harem, due to their loyalty to her. whispers quickly made it to the outside world, then to the people. in a short time, she had freed slaves, and gave a myriad of her own personal wealth to the poor and mosques, boosting her already high standing with the people. many in the divan were angry, seeing as it could cause their own slaves to rebel, but ahmed did nothing to punish his sister, secretly liking the ideas she had given him in a short time, as well as the added love of his new rule. safiye and fahriye sat in the harem, while concubines played music and danced. the harem happily celebrated the return of the disgaced sultana. a loud boom of a new eunuch's voice echoed through the harem. "make way for her highness firuze gevherhan sultan!" all the concubines, halime, & dilruba got up, bowing to the sultana as she walked in. the only two not to bow were safiye and fahriye. before then, they had always done so. which meant safiye had turned her heart off to gevherhan, and that fahriye had been told do to the same. but the smile on fahriye's face, directed at her eldest niece, said she hadn't. gevherhan smiled back before sitting across from halime. "you look so beautiful, sultana." the georgian woman said to her. gevherhan smiled and responded, "thank you, halime. as do you and my darling sister." once again, the booming voice echoed through the room. "make way for her highness, valide sultan!" all but safiye & fahriye got up and bowed to handan as she walked into the room, causing bülbül to pick up elizabeth, her grandmother's cat, so handan could sit by her daughter. "anne, i am so glad to see you..." handan smiled and took gevherhan's hand, pressing a kiss to the back. "and i'm glad to see you. i heard you had quite the day. is it true? you freed your slaves?" the younger sultana nodded, beaming up at her mother. "and mother... i have been given the honor by his highness, the sultan, for this..." handan looked confuzed, and silently urged her daughter to go on. "valide handan sultan... from this day on, you are a free woman..." gasps were heard through the harem, as the valide got onto the floor and hugged her daughter. "thank you, gev..." she smiled and hugged her back, pressing  kiss to her mother's cheek. "it may have been my idea, but the sultan allowed me to do this. i am working on you halime..." halime looked shocked, getting on her knees to thank the sultana with a hug. "allah protect you, sultana! may our sultan always listen to you!" an "amin" echoed through the room, quickly followd by an "allah keep you safe, sultana" a smile on everyone, but safiye's, face.

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