After School

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A/n: This chapter has self harm.If you can't take that wait for the next chapter to arrive! Bye!

Miyu POV

School finally ended Mui and I were planting Wisteria around the school so demon's wouldn't come near. Phew I think that's all the plants.I say to Mui. Yeah....He says in is plain tone. Imma go around the city, see back home? I ask. Yeah sure. He says. 

I run off and saw a Demon attack this kid with purple hair and he seemed to be trying to use his quirk on it. I ran at them and whispered. Breathe of Wisteria...First Form...Spring Hexagon.I cleanly cut the head off. Phew I didn't think there would be any Demons this close to the city.. I say tiredly.Hey! The kid yelled. Hm do you need anything, I ask. Why wasn't my quirk working on that thing and have you heard that heroes don't kill my imprison! What is your quirk? I ask. He seemed hesitant but then saw I was wearing the UA uniform and decided to tell me. My quirk is brainwash. He said. WOW THATS AMAZING! I wish I had a quirk now. I said mockingly. Wait your Quirkless? He asks. Yep! And that thing was a demon. Not a villain so they have to be killed. Ok? Ok...He says. Oh and it's a secret so don't tell anybody....only Aizawa and All Might and Nezu know about this. Ok...My name is Shinso. He says. My name is Tomioka Miyu. I say. Nice to meet you Tomioka-Chan. He says.

(Time skip to home)

I'm home! I yell. Hi. Mui says. Muichiro got up and asked: Where were you? I-I was um Talking to a boy after saving him from a demon. Muichiro said. What Boy? A friend! Ok. He looks sad....why? 

Muichiro POV 

A boy...Is that the person she likes... I wouldn't blaim here.....I'm so mean and always yelled at her or other people. Mi-Chan started  to go to the kitchen. WHAT DO YOU WANNA EAT. She yells. I will just eat the thing i ate this morning. OK. I started turning on the TV. DINNER IS READY.....MUI DO YOU MIND HELPING ME WITH THE TABLE. Sure.I say. I get the plates out and some of the food. Mi-Chan gets some of the other food. Soon we start eating. Thank you for the food. We said. We finished the food and cleaned the dishes. Can we watch a movie? Mi-Chan asks. Sure what do u wanna watch?She asks. Um are u ok with Hunger Games? Sure! In the middle of the movie I realised that Mi-Chan was hugging my arm. What are you doing? I ask. Mhm...Warm. O-ok. I say.Shit why did I stutter. Soon the movie ended. Yawn. Mi-Chan opened. She got up and said. Good Night Mui. Good Night I say as I got into bed.

Miyu POV

I suddenly woke up in a panic. Breathing heavily there is no air ha. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. No air...air huff huff heha. Wheeze. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I pressed the knife to my wrist. Fuck it hurts so bad...I feel a lot better though. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Huff....Huff. I started this habit along time ago, since everyone died. I had Panic Attacks about my family died and my adopted family beating me. I pulled my sleeves down and went back to my room. I laid down and went to sleep.

A Flower in the Mist  ( Muichiro x Oc ) (Kny x Mha)Where stories live. Discover now