First Day!

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A/n: This chapter will have Self-harm 

Miyu POV

In the middle of the night~

I jerked up sweating...No no not enough air....huff huff. I ran to the kitchen grabbed a knife and ran to the bathroom. I pressed the knife to my wrist. A-ahh. Fuck it hurts..Then I felt a calmness settle over me. I fixed myself up and went back to bed.

Ugh....I groaned. Get uppp. I hear Muichiro whine. Noooo. I say. He flung my sheets of. Aaaaaaaa Coldddd. I whine. Sigh...Then no breakfast for you. He says. Fine fine! I say getting up. I got my uniform out and went it the bathroom to change. When I came out I ran to the kitchen and cooked Muichiro some simmered radish dressed with sweet miso and some almond tofu. I cooked the radish and placed it infront of Muichiro. Hey Muichiro. Hm. He said. Can I call you Mui/Mui-kun.Yeah sure. He says. Can I call you Mi-Chan? Yeah I like that name!  I obverse that he was wearing a hoodie. (The one in the picture but no cat ears just a normal hoodie). I was also wearing a Hoodie over my Uniform like him. Good thing there are long sleeved uniform.

(What you are wearing)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(What you are wearing)

I put the hood on. We both have a hood on. We walked to UA Wait... there is gonna be a class and people will be in the class...and they are all gonna stare at me. I started to shake a little. I stared up at Muichiro, he looked down and held upon his hand, and I took it. We walked through the big doors.

 I was shaking a bit. Aizawa greeted us and told us to wait outside the classroom until he said come in. We waited outside. Now I was shaking really hard. Mui could feel the shaking. We sat down on the bench and rubbed circles on my back. I continued to shake lightly. I slowly relaxed. Shhhh. He says softly. I'll be here if anything goes wrong. Ok? He asks. O-ok.  

COME IN! I slowly got up and walked in still holding Mui's hand. I opened the door and stepped infront of the class. Introduce your self please. Aizawa said.H-hi my name is T-tomioka Miyu and I am a girl and I am 14 years old and Q-quirkless. I say nicely. Everybody gasped. YOUR ONLY 14!  A angry blonde person yelled. YOUR QUIRKLESS! He yelled again.Yes.. is there a problem Idiot. I say coldly while glaring at him. Hello my name is Tokito Muichiro, I am a boy and I am also 14...but I am older then her, and I am also Quirkless. Everybody gasped again. Ok so Tomioka-Chan and Tokito- kun go sit at the back together. O-ok. I say.

I sat down on the chair and the lesson continued. This is sooo boring. It's scary that everybody keeps staring at me. The boy with purple hair keeps staring at me. Shiver. It's nearly time for lunch. I glance at the clock. I'm not here to make friends. I am not here to make friends. RINGGGGG. Lunch: Aizawa says. I got up and everybody crowed around me and Mui. Then the boy with purple hair with balls for hair came up to me. He tried touching me but I leaped back and clung onto Mui's arm. Don't touch her. Mui-kun says. What would you do huh! Your Quirkless. The boy said.In a very fast motion both me and Mui put a sword to his neck. Why don't you wanna find out? I say happily. This girl is a psycho. Everybody thought. Hello! A girl said very much like Mitsuri said. My name is Ochako Uraraka. Soon she told us our new classmates names. So do u wanna be friends? We are not here to make friends are we. Mui says coldly. I nod my head. We walk out of the classroom and walked to the cafeteria. When we got there we got our  lunch we sat down next to each other. 

Don't you think we shouldn't be so mean? I ask. We'll we aren't here to make friends right? He said. True. I replied. I also heard that we are doing battle training after lunch! I say excitedly. Oh I heard everybody here is weak though. He muttered. HEY WHO SAID PEOPLE HERE ARE WEAK! I think the boy was called Bakugou. Us Muichiro said. YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD! Me and Mui ate fast and disappeared. Everybody was shocked. BUT THOOSE TWO ARE QUIRKLESS! Then Midnight came to the door and said. What is with the yelling? Is it about those two Quirkless people? The boy really is handsome to bad he kicked me. She said pitifully. But both of them are single. I still have a chance.Me and Mui were outside waiting.

Soon class started again. You are all doing combat training now. Aizawa said. Then All Might arrived and yelled:Go change into your hero costume. Tomioka, Tokito ,Aizawa whispered...just wear your Demon Slayer Uniform. Yes sir! I say! Ok so let's spar! It's a little embarrassing wearing this thing while fighting other people. Chest Exposed. I don't like it. But I don't want to be mean. I ran to the changing room and got a room to change.I got everything ready and walked outside. Everyone filed into a room and the Aizawa said: you guys will be playing heroes and villains. Each team will be in pairs. Ok I already made the teams. Tomioka and Tokito VS Ida and Bakugou. Bakugou team will be the villains and Tokito team will be heroes. So there will be a object inside the building the the heroes need to touch then the heroes win! If the villains manage the knock the hero's out then the villains win.  

Soon me and Mui were infront of the building. Your ready? Mui asks grinning. Any time.I smiled. 


Oh God this took me hours. I hope you enjoyed I tried to make this a cliffhanger. I think it wasn't that bad! Have a Good Day/Night! I might update another chapter today. Bye!

A Flower in the Mist  ( Muichiro x Oc ) (Kny x Mha)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat