Although it was very frustrating for her to talk to him as if I was losing all the time, I didn't forget to stay calm. if we evaluate the situation, our situation is not bad, but it can't be called good, that slime probably beat michael , Feldaway and his men are left, we should not forget Zelanus and probably Dagrule sold us but in return we saved Velzard and regained Velzard and dino of course including all the ultimate skills michael stole

After keeping my current calm and thinking about the situation, I said, "If you're feeling better now, let's help that slime" and moved forward with our plan. My current goal is to protect the cards we've recovered and strengthen our defense. The weakened feldaway now has no chance. We must gather our forces and attack as soon as possible.

She looked at me as if asking a question "When you say slime are you talking about rimuru " she said with angry tone 'hoo rimuru finally got your attention too, that bastard. '

After talking to Velzard about rimuru for a while , I felt an terrifying aura and said to myself, 'that slime sure did something again' Rimuru should be somewhere close to Velgrnyd because of that I asked Velzard to open a portal next to his sister Velgrnyd.

[ White Ice Dragon One of The Four True Dragon ]

While chatting with Guy about Rimuru Kun for a while I felt an enormous aura Guy asked me to open a portal to where my sister was, but when I asked him why

he said it was because Rimuru-kun was the source of this huge aura. When I asked what this had to do with Velgrnyd, he said that Rimuru-kun might be there

I did what he said because I am not in a position to argue with this devil right now. Although we do not agree on some issues with my sister it's better for all of us to be united right now because our current situation doesn't seem so good especially my [ True Dragon Core ] was stolen I hope veldora and velgrnyd are not like me

[ Scorch Dargın One of the Four True Dragon ]

Velgrynd has azure blue hair kept in twin buns with black ribbons and deep gold eyes. She was currently Looking at Berserk rimuru who lost control of his
Body and attacking everywhere . beside hım a handsome Man with golden hair and Crimson red Eyes his name is Rudra Nam UI Nasca he was holding a White Great sword that was has the same lenght as the Rudra he gripped his sword hard and said " This is the monster you lost women ? "

Velgrnyd looked at Rudra apologetically and said, "yes i underestimated him"

"Anyway, we don't have time to talk about this right now." Said Rudra and turned to Corrupted Rimuru

[ One Of The Four Heavenly Kings ]

At that time, Diablo, who lost against Michael, woke up and immediately went to the area where his lord's huge aura was located

but even though the aura was huge, the size of the aura was decreasing at an amazing rate. When Diablo came to the environment where his lord should be , he greeted by a huge pile of flesh containing a part of almost every monster with eyes and mouths all over it instead of a young blue-haired girl

Diablo heard a voice in his mind while trying to understand what happend to his lord and it was the same voice he heard while fighting the Eastern Empire, so he decided to listen to the voice.

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