Chapter 6: Beach date

Start from the beginning

She looks uncertain "Maybe it's better if we wait to tell our parents we are together"

I look at her worried "Wh-why? Jade do you have any doubts about us?"

She immediately shakes her head "No, it's not that. I told you, I love you."

I clap my hands together happily, leaning on her to peck Jade's lips "And I love you!"

She smiles but I can see something is bothering her "It's just that after what happened with that family at the beach... I mean what if our parents will react in the same way? Maybe we should take it slowly. We don't need to come out to them right away."

"Oh..." I can understand her point perfectly. I mean I think my parents will be okay with me liking girls, but I don't think they are seeing it coming. After all I never dated a girl before, cause Jade was the only one I've always wanted, so maybe it will be quite a surprise for them. But then I remember something about my family.

"My uncle, dad's brother is married to a man, so basically I have two uncles. And my dad doesn't have a problem with it, so I think he will certainly accept me aswell" I say

"Ok. Good. What about your mom you think she will be cool?" Jade asks me

"Why wouldn't she? She already knows I like you" I assure Jade

"As a friend... Not as your girlfriend" Jade says

"But you were always a girl-friend of mine so what's the the big deal?" I joke

She rolls her eyes "Caaaat! Be serious!"

I laugh "Sorry baby. But I'm positive she will also accept me, don't worry. I mean if she has nothing against her brother-in-law being gay, she must be okay with me too if I come out as a lesbian... Don't you think?"

"I guess so..." Jade nods thoughtful.

"What about your parents? You think they will be cool with you dating a girl?" I ask her

She shakes her head "That's the problem. I don't know... I don't know how they will react. I'm sure if I just straight up come out and tell them I'm dating a girl, they will be shocked. They don't even know I broke up with Beck yet so they can't possibly see it coming."

I look down nodding "Well it's ok Jadey. Take your time... I'm not asking you to introduce me as your girlfriend to them any time soon... But maybe you can start telling them that you are not seeing Beck anymore, okay?" I tell her.

She smiles at me "Of course babe. And I promise you I will come out to them eventually" she grabs my hand as I'm looking at her grinning with joy "I want us to be serious Cat"

"Yay!" I squeal throwing my arms around her neck hugging her at me. She hugs me back immediately

"Remember when you used to tell me no hugs? Hehehe" I giggle

She laughs "Yeah... I was a bitch huh?"

I let her go "Never! Just a little anti social but never a... you know, swear word starting with a b" I say

Jade continues to chuckle "I love how adorable you are... But don't tell anyone I said that! Understand?" she tells me pretending to look menacing, and looking pretty convincing at that. But I know her too well so I can tell when she is really threatening someone and when she is just pretending, so I laugh

"No promises!" I tell her.

She pretends to glare at me now "Oh yeah? Then I guess I'll have to turn into a monster... A tickle monster" she says leaning on me and starting tickling my sides.

I shake in my seat trying to push her away. I'm laughing so hard I'm starting to be worried I'll pee myself. Luckily she stops soon enough so we can enjoy our last make out session of the day, kissing passionately in her car for a few more minutes before I return to my house waving at her goodbye.

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