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Hi there and thank you for choosing my services!

Fill in this list and post it in the comments down below!

Title book:
Name Author (I advise a surname too):
Theme book (one word):
Requested Colours:
Short summary about story line:
Request itself (what should be on it):

Naam boek:
Naam auteur(ik adviseer voor en achternaam):
Thema boek( een woord ):
Welke kleuren wil je?:
Kleine verhaal samenvatting:
De veaag: wat moet erop?:

X Claire

Your request is more likely to be chosen by me if:

1. You add picture links (HD pictures or png's) rather not from pinterest or tumblr. 
2. You can describe the theme you want very well, so I get a feeling what the cover should look like.
3. You add links to existing covers you like, so I know what kind of feel and theme you want for your cover.
4. your description is not too demanding. For example: I really hate editing celebs or: 'I want Christen Stewart to stand here, her hair must be blonde and in the background I would like a castle on a mountain where smoke sets the castle on fire. I also want her to look to the left where a boy should be, most likely Jacob from twilight and they should both have fangs and
vampire-like clothes. (DON'T DO THAT PLEASE! Haha )

Book Cover Design Shop 3 - OPEN 2023Where stories live. Discover now