Figure art

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Classes started soon afterward. The semester flew by with Kojiro learning all kinds of new dishes. He often brought food from class for Kaoru. Once a week, he made Kaoru dinner. Kojiro began to think of it as their date night. Of course, he had to share it with the others who smelled his cooking. He learned to make large pots of everything.

Kaoru took some basic drawing classes. Mostly drawing still life fruits and things. They had two classes together, English composition and beginners Italian. Both passed their first semester easily. They celebrated with friends they made from their dorm. They had a short two week break where they went home and skateboarded as much as they could. All too soon, it was time for their second semester.

One thing Kojiro noticed upon returning to school was a board for jobs offered around campus. He smirked when he saw one. He couldn't believe his luck. He walked into their room. Kaoru was sitting at his desk upgrading Carla.

"Hey, Kaoru?" Kojiro began.

"What is it, Gorilla brain?" his friend retorted.

"You're taking model drawing now, right?" Kojiro inquired. He flopped down on their bed.

"Yes." Golden eyes glanced over to survey the prone thick muscled skater. Karou's glasses twinkled in the light.

"So. That's like drawing models, like people models?" Kojiro asked.

"Kojiro, don't be thick. Yes. We will be drawing people. These are paid professionals that will just sit there. It's not sexy or in any way sexually motivated for anyone, trust me." Kaoru bent back over his laptop. "It's more embarrassing for everyone involved." He muttered.

"Jeesh, I was just curious." Kojiro got up. Kaoru eyed him.

"Where are you going?" He demanded. Kojiro paused at the door, skateboard in hand.

"Well, the atmosphere in here is deadly for us gorilla brain's. I'm going to get some fresh air. Meet me for dinner?" He asked.

"You cooking?" Kaoru eyed him.

"Not tonight." Kojiro smiled. He waved, walking out. He left the pink haired teen to his AI board. Kojiro went to the job board. He found the flyer and took it down. He had seven minutes to get to the right place. He zipped along the sidewalks.

Finding the building, he walked in. There was a pretty receptionist sitting at the front desk.

"May I help you?" She smiled, her eyes darkening as she took in the beefy muscled man.

"Uh, yeah, I want to apply for this job?" Kojiro held out the flyer

"Oh, ok. You just have to go down to 209. They are taking walk ins right now." She pointed in the direction he needed to go.

"Thank you." Kojiro flashed his best smile at her. He watched her face flush. Chuckling to himself, he walked down to the room. Two hours later, he met Kaoru in the student center.

The pink haired glasses wearing artist was sitting at a table alone. He flung pickles and tomatoes off of the hamburger on his plate into a napkin. Kojiro sat down across from him with his own plate of hot dogs and fries.

"Who puts these disgusting things on a hamburger?" Kaoru greeted him. Once he got all the things he didn't like off, he stood up. He marched over to the salad bar. Scooping onion, relish, and cheese back onto the lone patty. He stalked back to his seat.

"What's the difference between pickles and relish?" Kojiro asked. Kaoru regarded him as if he were an amoeba.

"Pickles are crunchy, juice squatting nastiness. Relish is a fine, smooth happiness to my tongue." He picked up the burger and bit into. Kojiro snorted.

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