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*Yes, I made Reki and Langa the same age as Kojiro and Karou.*

Kaoru was leaning against the wall. He held one of his fans covering his mouth. Kojiro tried to ignore him. He needed to finish his push-ups. The fact the pink haired hottie insisted on standing where the green haired teen could see him sort of irritated Kojiro. It also kind of turned him on. Although he couldn't see his mouth, Kojiro could see how the man's cheeks were slightly flushed at what he was seeing.

Reaching his mark, he dropped down. Flipping over, he began his sit-ups. "Like what you see?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, I love watching an over muscled gorilla sweating all over the floor. We are never going to get that smell out." Kaoru complained. Kojiro laughed.

"I have some carpet fresh!" He snorted, continuing his morning exercises.

"Why can't you just use the gym!" his roommate hissed.

"Because the football team is in there this early. I will only be another twenty minutes, go do your face or something!" He growled back. The fan smacked him in the forehead as he came up in the sit up.

"It takes longer than twenty minutes!" Kaoru shouted.

"Didn't realize you were that ugly!" Kojiro growled back. He regretted it as soon as he said it. The shocked, hurt look on Kaoru's face just before he stormed out hurt.

"Damn it." Kojiro swore. They always fought like this, but he despised hurting others' feelings. He knew how much Kaoru valued his appearance. His mother had done a number on the guys head. Kojiro continued his sit ups, he then did squats and lunges. Finishing up with a cool down routine. He went to shower. Kaoru was in front of the mirror in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry. That was harsh. You're beautiful!" Kojiro kissed the top of the shorter man's head as he walked past. "How 'bout I make it up to you, and I make dinner tonight." He offered as he stripped out of his shorts and shirt.

"Spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread?" Kaoru asked. Kojiro chuckled.

"You got it." The sound of the water hitting the tiled floor had Kaoru glancing up in the mirror. He saw the muscled back and firm butt of his friend step into the shower stall. Damn that man was fine! Kaoru thought to himself. Too bad he is straighter than a ruler. That had been the real reason Kaoru had first tried dating Adam.

Adam was a skilled skater. He had charm and charisma, but he lacked all of the things that made people draw close to one Kojiro Nanjo. Kojiro was a genuinely nice person. He would do anything for you. If he thought he hurt your feelings, he would find a way to fix it. Like this dinner tonight. Kaoru sighed. He hadn't been that upset with the comment. Actually, he had thought about it, and it sort of hinted that Kojiro thought he was nice looking. This had cheered him up. He wasn't going to tell the gorilla brained barbarian that! It wouldn't get him his preferred dinner. He chuckled.

Kaoru was out of the bathroom by the time Kojiro got out of the shower. The strong bodied teen slipped on clean clothes after drying off. He quickly brushed his hair and teeth. They had two days of being on campus before classes started. He wanted to spend the time exploring their new grounds. He wondered if the brainiac had plugged in Carla.

Kojiro walked back to their room. He walked into a mess. "Carla, I can't find it. Where is the white one!" Kaoru was head first in the closet, making a mess of the clothes he had so neatly hung up the day before.

"Um, is this what you're looking for?" Kojiro picked up a white silk robe with cherry blossoms on it. Kaoru ducked out to look at him.

"No! Why would I wear a robe outside?" He cried. Kojiro switched hands he arched an eye brow as he held up the thin white tank top. Kaoru's cheeks colored a bit.

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