The following morning, Rosalie did not come down for breakfast. She remained in her room to dress in the gear that had been provided to her. The Lightwood brothers were coming today for a training session. Rosalie ran her finger along the folded black material on her dresser, feeling the thick material. At first, training had seemed like a brilliant idea and Rosalie had been so excited. But now that the time had come, she couldn't deny the growing nerves she felt. Throwing a dagger at a wall with Jem was one thing but learning to fight was something entirely different. I don't think I can do this. I know I can't do this, she thought bitterly. Yet she had no other choice. So, Rosalie stripped out of her nightgown and shimmied into the loose-fitting trousers and tunic. She couldn't help but stare at her reflection in the mirror; she looked so different. She didn't look like a defenseless girl in need of protecting; she looked like a fierce warrior. Someone capable of protecting themselves... and capable of protecting others. Rosalie smiled as she pulled her hair back and secured it tightly at the base of her neck. While her nerves still prickled restlessly inside of her, the worry she had felt had been diminished. Now, she felt ready. Rosalie hastily threw on her shoes before hurrying downstairs to meet Tessa and Sophie in the training room.
Halfway to the training room, she ran into Jem- who was also dressed in training gear. Although instead of a tunic, he wore a black shirt that stopped at the waist. "Good morning, Jem." Rosalie greeted with a bright smile.
"Good morning, Rosalie." Jem said while returning her smile. She couldn't help but notice how much paler his gear made him look, nor could she ignore the way it made his silvery hair stand out. It almost reminded her of starlight. "How are you this morning?" he asked kindly.
"Mostly excited." she admitted, almost sheepishly. It felt strange to say she felt excited... especially after weeks of feeling fearful. "Even more so now that I know you will be joining us." she added.
Jem chuckled and shook his head. "I am glad to see you looking so happy. It has been far too long since I've seen you smile."
"Well, there hasn't been anything to smile about lately."
"I know," he nodded once. "But I believe our luck is changing."
When they entered the training room, Tessa and Sophie were standing with their backs to Rosalie and Jem. The pair were deep in conversation; Tessa listing off the weapons she recognized from the Shadowhunter Codex. Neither of them seemed to have noticed that they were no longer alone.
"That one," Tessa said while motioning to a large sword. "Is a claymore, I think."
Jem's eyes followed her finger and he smiled. "Close." he said "That is an executioner's sword; used mostly for decapitation."
Tessa whirled around with wide eyes to face him and then peered over at her sister. Sophie let out a startled yelp before she too, turned.
"I think you may have scared them." Rosalie said, the corners of her mouth pulling into a grin.
Jem did not match her expression. He frowned softly as he apologized. "I didn't mean to startle you." he said.
The look on Tessa's face when she looked at Jem surprised Rosalie. For a brief moment, she didn't look sad anymore. A true smile traced her lips when their eyes met. And in that moment, Rosalie's happiness grew tenfold. To see her sister drop her guard was all Rosalie had been wanting- all that she needed. Just one small sign that her sister's spirit hadn't died completely.
"I was beginning to think Sophie and I would have to train each other." Tessa joked, her gentle smile growing.
"Are we sure the Lightwood's are coming?" Rosalie asked, her arms folding over her chest.
"Oh, they'll be here." Jem nodded.
"Just fashionably late." Tessa added with a scoff. She seemed to bear the same ill-will toward the Lightwood brothers as Will. But that did not come as a surprise. Even Rosalie could admit that she too, was guilty of disliking them. And she had yet to even meet Gabriel's older brother. Will's emotions were just so easy to fall into; almost as if his emotions were a pit that others were destined to fall into. Inevitable. "I wish you were the one training us." she said after a moment.
Jem smiled. Yet Rosalie couldn't help but feel that it was a sad kind of smile. "I couldn't, I haven't completed my own training yet."

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