Jihoon nodded, "yeah, but that's not what-"

Hyunsuk pulled Jihoon to him and hugged him. Jihoon wrapped his arms around the male, smiling as he smelled the faint scent of cologne. Jihoon sighed, it's not what he was freaking out about but the male in his arms made him feel warm. That's when he felt the confidence to say it.



"Do you want to do to the art exhibit with me this Saturday?"

Hyunsuk pulled away with a smile, "like a date?"

Jihoon tilted his head stuffing his hands in his pockets, "did you want it to be a date?"

Hyunsuk thought about it, "I don't mind a date."

Jihoon smiled, "it's a date then."

Hyunsuk hid his smile, "alright cool, see you then."

Jihoon smiled, "uh yeah."

Hyunsuk turned to leave the stall running into the door and fumbling with the lock which made Jihoon laugh. The door opened and Hyunsuk turned to wave before he bolted out.

Jihoon let out a sigh, I did it.

Jihoon left the restroom and went to the cafe, Junkyu and Yedam were already there. Jihoon sat down pulling out his laptop and notebook.

"Did Jaehyuk tell you he was going to be late," Yedam asked.

Jihoon looked up and nodded, "yeah he's discussing potential internships with my dad."

Junkyu laughed, "when was the last time you actually went to see your dad."

Jihoon shifted in his seat, "that, I, huh, I guess I haven't seen him in a while."

"Are you guys still awkward since you came out," Yedam asked.

Jihoon nodded a bit, "Yeah, a bit, who knows maybe I'll see him soon."

Jihoon thought back on his letter, there wasn't a way that his father wouldn't call him. If he was his dad he would have called him, obviously, his parents were like his life but things got in the way. His mom got sick and his father let him live on campus so he wouldn't come home. After he came out his father kind of avoided him, in a way other than him loving his parents dearly it was also an apology or compensation for what he put them through.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Yedam, "sorry we shouldn't have brought it up."

Jihoon shrugged looking at the solemn look on Junkyu's face, "no worries, time fixes everything and hopefully my efforts won't be overlooked either."

Junkyu nodded, "Me and my big mouth."

"Oh guys by the way we aren't studying this Saturday, Jaehyuk and I are busy," Jihoon said.

Yedam worked his eyebrow, "what do you have going on?"

Jihoon blinked, "oh, I'm helping Yoshi with his exhibit."

Yedam nodded, Junkyu cut in, "and Jaehyuk?"

"He's going to Asahi's performance," Jihoon said, looking back at his notebook.

Yedam looked at Junkyu, "maybe we should make our own plans."

Junkyu scoffed, "what makes you think I didn't already?"

Yedam pouted leaning back in his chair, "what do you have going on?"

Junkyu smirked, "a date maybe."

Jihoon looked up, "you are going on a date with Mashiho?"

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