Feline Friends and Fiends

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It had been another long day at work. I had been on my feet all day without a break and my head was killing me, yet again. I picked a hell of a day to walk. At least I didn't have a major concussion this time.

We had been understaffed ever since Felicity busted four waiters for smoking weed in the bathroom during rush hour.

"Hey, y/n, there's a guy out front asking about you," it was Felicity. She spoke in a hushed voice as she entered the kitchen.

I instantly froze. There hadn't been another incident in a while now (as far as I was aware, at least.)

I swallowed, "What does he look like?"

She picked up on my concern almost immediately and spoke cautiously, "Black hair, really tall? It looks like he's got couple scars on his face."

I let out a sigh of relief. Zack.

"That's just my roommate. Does he need something?" I knew Zack knew where I worked, but it was rare of him to show up. I got the impression that he wasn't fond of the usual customers.

"He just asked if you were here, he's still out there if you want to talk to him. Your shifts up in five anyways, you can just head home."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, things are slowing down a bit now."

"Thanks, I'll see you later," I nodded as I made my way out to the front.

Zack was just where Felicity had left him. Leaned up against the wall, hood pulled over his face, and with his hands shoved in his hoodie pocket.

He looked up at me as I made my way towards him. His tense shoulders visibly relaxed and he moved away from the wall. Straightening his posture.

"Hey, everything alright?"

He nodded quietly, "Didn't want ya walking home in the dark by yourself."

"Sorry, I wasn't supposed to be here so late. Someone called off, and I ended up taking their shift."

He shook his head, and we began to exit through the main entrance, "'S no problem, don't worry about it."

We walked quietly down the side walk, and I noticed that Zack seemed quieter than usual. He would normally crack a few jokes or make genuine small talk, but he stayed almost entirely silent. Just surveying the area around us.


"Hm?" His gaze met mine as we continued down the sidewalk.

"Are you okay? You're quieter than usual."

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "My boss is having some stupid fuckin' dinner party tomorrow. He wants me to bring you."

"Oh...I didn't know you had a boss,"

'Zack? Taking orders? Kind of hard to believe.'

"Kind of. He's old, kind of a nut, but he helped me out when I was just a little shit livin' on the streets. He's not who I'm worried about, though."

I cocked my head and creased my eyebrows, signaling for him to go on.

"There's gonna be a some real piece of shit demons there, they don't play nice with humans."

"You'll be there though, right?" I wasn't sure what had him so stressed. I guess I just assumed he wasn't one to be messed with. Were there demons scarier than him?

"What? 'Course I'll fuckin' be there, I'm not leavin' ya by your damn self!"

I nodded, "We should probably get you some nicer clothes then," I teased. He only had a few outfits, and I wouldn't really call any of them formal.

Where the Angels Fall Isaac Foster X Reader Demon AUWhere stories live. Discover now