Chapter 2

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On the next day Robbie wasn't feeling better either. The job sucked and his so called friends had been ignoring him all day long. He was bored to death and would have done anything to get out of this stupid office. Suddenly someone at the other end of the room screamed "Werewolf attack at Ashtead! Every Auror follow me!" The chaos immediately broke out, alle the people at the office jumped up from there seat and ran towards the exit. So did Robbie, he sprinted out the front door and apparated to the town. When Robbie reached it there had already a big fight broken out, werewolves in human form and Aurors were fighting each other in the middle of the street, attacking, jumping on, and punching each other.

Before the 21 year old could react he was thrown to the ground and yellow teeth snapped for his neck, luckily, he could roll out of reach before the teeth could reach him. He bolted up and jumped onto his attacker trying to somehow catch his hands and tie then together, without success. They rolled over the ground into a side ally, Robbie tried to reach for his wand, but it was already gone, rolling down the street out of his reach. "Where's your little magic stick boy? Have you lost it? Pathetic how you Aurors need that piece of wood to defend yourself. "Leo!" a shout flew across the street and the werewolfes head jolted up "Come on were leafing" the man standing in middle of the road yelled "Well then, goodbye little Auror" the man laughed. He let go of Robbie and ran down the road after his Pack. Seconds later Nymphadora ran towards him and hugged him tightly "Thank Merlin you're ok" she pleaded and let go of him "It's nothing, I've had worse fights" the man said, stood up and left, he didn't want to talk to them after they ignored him the whole day.

Back home he went straight into the kitchen to make himself some dinner. The only thing he had were some spaghettis, so that's what he ate that evening. After cleaning the dishes and putting them into the cupboard again Robbie took the newspaper from the table, sat onto his couch, and started reading. Werewolf attack at Ashtead, 6ththis month was the title of the first page, he skipped that one, he was there after all and knew what happened. On the second page there was another new law for Umbridge at Hogwarts. Stupid he thought and skipped another page. There weren't any interesting things on the left pages, so he put the paper away and started reading a book. Halfway through he suddenly heard glass shatter and then again, steps, just like last night. Robbie put the book way fast, snatched his want off the table Infront of him and ran towards his bedroom where he thought he had heard the glass shatter. As soon as he entered it, he got the confirmation for what he thought. Glass pieces were all over the floor under the window. With a quick move of his wand the window was whole and like new again.

After that was done, he turned around, closed, and locked the door and started to search the room, someone was here and whoever it was he was going to find him. He checked every possible hiding spot, behind the curtains in the shower, inside and behind the closet, in the little closet that was built into the wall where all his cloaks hang, on and under his bed just everywhere. But no one was to be found "Oh come oh!" he screamed "I know you're here! Show yourself already!" he shouted into the room, but no answer. Angrily Robbie sight and throw himself onto the bed burring his face in a pillow and thinking of possible ways how the person could have escaped. Suddenly he was pulled up, throw to the floor bully down and pinned onto it by strong hands grabbing his wrists and back "Well, well, well look who's it, the little Auror boy" a deep voice from upon him spoke "Let me go!" Robbie shouted and tried to wiggle himself free, what only ended in the unknown man sitting onto his back holding him down with full force "What do you want from me?" he asked and the man upon him answered "I've been watching you Robbie" he said "You are interesting, a loner who hates his job, doesn't know who to call his friend and who not, a broken soul" he whispered "Have you been stalking me?!" Robbie asked angrily "Maybe, but I always liked to pick out the weakest one as a pray" as a pray the words echoed in Robbie's head like a thunder growl. He was his pray, the person he picked out to haunt. Panic breathing rose in Robbie's chest as he realized that he was a pray, the pray of a werewolf.

"Lost your voice pretty boy" the man upon him grinned, lifted himself from Robbie to turn him around onto his back and sat down again "You!" Robbie said in shock as he recognized the werewolf, he had fought just some hours ago "You remember me, good" "Your name is Leo, right?" Robbie asked him "Correct" answered the other with a slim grin on his face "Now, Robbie, right? I'm gonna give you a choice, either I'm going to take you with me and your gonna end up as my dinner on next full moon, which is already in two days, or I'll allow you to stay here but will do everything I say before I eat you" Leo said "I'm not planning on getting eaten by a werewolf anytime soon so no to both off these, I have a better one, your gonna let me go, I will let you run and won't tell the ministry your name and looks for the moonlight pack file" Robbie talked back. But instead of thinking about it Leo started to laugh "That's not how this is working sweety, I'm the one who has the threat here not you, and if you think I'm scared of the ministry knowing I'm a part of the moonlight pack then you're wrong, I'm proud of who and what I am and I don't care if they know my identity". Robbie didn't know what to do anymore, he didn't have anything in his hands against this man while he could kill him bin seconds.

"I just don't want to die, ok?!" he yelled at the wolf tears starting to come up in his eyes "I... I w.. want to" Robbie started to studder "That's sadly not an option, I'm gonna leaf now and come back tomorrow, until then you should decide on the two options I gave you, and don't try to inform someone or run away, I will find you" Leo said, jumped off him and out of the window leafing a heavy breathing, shuddering and scared Robbie behind on the floor. Tomorrow.

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