chapter 16 Labyrinth part 2

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a 3 days have pass since the team gone into the labyrinth  everyone was very tense about this because the labyrinth can go to any where and i mean EVERYWHERE! that includes monster they the titan army will strike with on camp half blood everyone was trying their best to make defenses but that question is it good now we kaen and his father looking at the camp and worrying about them

Kaen: Father do you think the defenses will even work against the monsters?

Surya: That i do not know myself and lets not forgot that they are using the labyrinth for the attack on camo half blood the best we can do is hope it will work against them.

Kaen: Yeah.

than Annabeth come in distress with Chiron come up to her

Chiron: Annabeth what is wrong where is Percy?!

2 weeks later everyone was at Percy funeral with Annabeth is about to burn Percy shirt but he finally come back everyone was happy he come back than kaen come to percy he taps on him he turns than

yeah his pride of a man is no more now to the big house percy explain what what happen after he was catch up on what he missed long story short that they need a mortal's help with this shit while Annabeth and percy fo get that person Surya and his son will help the camp like before while Surya is helping the camp kaen is making sure that the defenses are good

Kaen: Will!

said person turns to him

will: yeah?

kaen: How are the defense coming along?

will: It's coming along well but.

kaen: let me guess it will not do much?

will: Yeah.

before they can continue monsters come out the labyrinth everyone got their gear and was ready to fight than everyone than percy and his team finally come back with along the missing members that even Chiron tells him that if he did not arrive they were about to be overrun by the monsters

Kaen: About time you get here percy!

he says while using fire to burn! the monsters

Percy: Yeah sorry about that man.

than a big monsters come but along with Briares Daedalus and his pet than before they can do anything they hear a certain music 

Percy: Is that music?

kaen and Surya have this reaction

than come along chaos medusa in the one and only Warthog from red vs blue! so yeah the monsters were no more nico come back only two deaths in the battle and the camp is safe but the final battle is very near the fate of Olympus is on their hands to save or to destroy that is the big question here.


oh wow that 4th book is already done and now its the 5th and final book and the final arc of this book i got to thank you all for the support and reads and now lets  do a iwae in honor of eiji hino!

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