chapter 2 Camp half blood

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many days have past since that day in the Museum people in Yancy have clamed that there is no mrs. Dodds and with Mr. Brunner taking back the pen that turn into a sword without proof Percy find himself at a dead end 

now we see Kaen at his room calling his father Surya a men is his 30's with white hair and red eyes 

Surya: I see so it finally begins than 

Kaen: Yes father with the fury blaming Percy with the thief of hades symbol of power and with baby Zeus lost his Lightning bolt the titan's plan is working so far in his favor.

Surya: That is indeed but you are the wild card to destroy his plans lucky we are working together with the Greek fates for this so that way you can do this 

Kaen: Of course father so what i do now? 

Surya: For now just on a look out and i do believe Percy might go to camp half blood and i want you to follow him and Grover to camp half blood once there the plan can truly go from that point. 

Kaen: Of course father 

Surya: Now good night son and good luck on your mission

Kaen: Good night father 

Surya turns off the call and Kaen go to sleep

after some time have pasted after Latin exam Kaen was following Percy and Grover as said before he is invisible so that way they cant see him after some time they go to his apartment Kaen decide to go back to visible after some time both Percy and Grover re out but with Percy's mother he go ahead he go back invisible after Grover revels his true legs he decide to go back visible 

Kaen: Hello Mrs. Jackson. 

all three turns to see Kaen 

Sally: Kaen?!

Percy and Grover: Wait you know each other?! 

Kaen: Now not the time because a minotaur is after us. 

sally and Grover nods their heads with Percy is so confused 

Kaen: And GET DOWN!! 

all did that with the car destroyed 

Percy: Gabe is going to kill me . 

 Sally: Don't thinks about him now! go now get to the other side of the tree! 

Percy did just that but Sally got "Killed" by the minotaur with Percy is raging at him before anything the minotaur was toss away by Kaen 

Kaen: your opperant is right here you wild beast.

the minotaur was changing at him but Kaen dodge and strikes him in many place of his body 

Kaen continues to strike him with his spear with flames coming out the flames are so hot that it makes the area they are fighting in not wet anyone from the storm before he can finish him off Percy come in and rip off his horn and fainted 

Kaen: Oh well did not see that coming well done Percy this is your nay this is your first step for becoming the greatest hero in a very long time and you wild beast are his first monster he faced but i will gladly do the kill to protect Percy NOW BURN TO ASH!!

he is his spear and flames are coming out it and hits the minotaur with him burning all that is left is golden dust   

he hears footsteps and see people with a blond girl and Mr. Brunner 

Mr. Brunner: To think you are a demigod Kaen you are full of surprises aren't you.

Kaen: You can say that Mr. Brunner or should i call you Chiron?

Mr. Brunner now called Chiron: Chiron is good and now who is your parent? 

as if to answer his question two signs appear and he is sweeting at it 

Chiron: It is determined All hail Kaen kage  son of Surya the Hindu god of the sun and the grandson of Susanoo the Shinto god of seas and storms!! 

Chiron knells at Kaen but the other people are doing mutters about it 

with Kaen looking at them with neutral eyes on them with the fire of the spot of the minotaur is gone 


i just cant help it people and remember to vote!!   


Percy Jackson: the heir of the fire (Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя