chapter 7

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Sam pov

"Wow dean did you do that" "the hickeys yes the mark no" "dean didn't you bite me" "yea I kinda had this strong urge to do that so yea" "dean how dumb can you be you do know that's how werewolves mark there mates right" "auhhhh...well I guess you're mine for life if I knew that I would've done it earlier" *sign* "dean let's just head to bobby already" "okay princess" *sign* "what's with the name" "well we're mates and your my princess"

Time skip at the crappy motel

Sam pov

We packed out duffle bags and I changed my undies to a fresh pair dean called for me so I rest my wet ones on the bathroom counter to see what he wants "yea dean" " I need to shit Sam are you finished yet" "go ahead deal I'll finish up when your done"

Dean pov

"Thanks princess" I rushed in the bathroom to do my business when I was finish I head to the counter to wash my hands there I saw a pair of white lace undies "are the Sammy's" I picked it up and took a good sniff "shit is this the undies she came on she smell so sweet I can't wait to taste her" "dean are you done yet we need to hit the road if we want to get to bobby before dark" I quickly pushed the undies in my leather pocket and walked out the room "let's go Sam" I picked up the two duffle bags because I don't want my princess fetching anything heavy" we locked the room done and walked to the front desk to return the keys them we head to baby to hit the road

Time skip

It was already sun down and Sammy was sleeping on my shoulder I kissed her forehead and pull up in Bobbie's drive way and turned the engine off "Sammy we're here princess wake up" *groan* "5 more minutes" "princess let's go in the house and then you can sleep all you want" "okay"

Sam pov

We got out of baby and dean went and grab the two duffle bags we walk up to the door and nock "bobby it's dean open up" *door unlocking* "dean Sam " bobby said he gave dean a fatherly hug and move to hug me next

Dean pov

Bobby opened the door and I drop the two bags he pulled me in a fatherly hug the he turned to Sam in a blink of and eye I had Sammy in my hands and I was warning bobby *growl* "mine"

Sam pov

After hugging dean bobby turn to me to hug me but in a blink of an eye dean had me in his arms sending out a warning growl to bobby *growl* "mine"

Bobby pov

I gave dean a fatherly hug and then moved to Sam but in a blink of an eye dean held him possessively sending out a warning growl to me *growl* "mine"  I knew what that meant I wasn't stupid like how I noticed the mating mark on sam's neck I backed up a little and said "she's your's dean Sam is all yours I don't want her I'm sorry I didn't ask if I could touch her" I moved out of the way to let them in dean picked up the two duffle bags in one hand and the other ways wrapped possessively around sam's waist

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