Chapter 6- This is the death of us

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"Let's go."

I zip down the road, only a few seconds ahead of Owen. I rev the engine of my motorcycle, as if willing it to go faster. We gotta go. I have to get to Alex.

The main park finally comes into view and as I enter the main gate ACU stream past me. I nab a gun from an open van and follow Owen and Claire through the doors. People rush around me, desperately trying to avoid the winged dinos that quickly overtake the park.

"Owen!" I yell and my best friend is quickly right by my side. Claire climbs onto a a fallen cart and starts yelling for her nephews.

"Zach, Gray!" She shouts.

"Cover me. I have to find Alex." He nods and kneels down to take better shots at the green dinosaurs that soar over us. I run up and join Claire on the cart, looking for Alex's tell tale red hair.

"Alex!" I screech.

"There!" I turn to the direction Claire pointed and next to two boys, probably Claire nephew's, stands my sister. I launch off the cart and wrap my arms around her, a few tears flowign out of my eyes.

"No more running off with strangers." I cry into her hair. She laughs and I pull away to examine her.

"Hey uh, Cam! A little help!" I turn to the direction of shout and spot Owen being pinned to the ground by a dinosaur.

"Shit!" I yelp, pulling the gun from my back. I try to take a shot but it only clicks, "Fuck me. It's jammed."

In a split second decision, I throw it to the ground and take off running to my friend. I run straight into the dinosaur and he falls of Owen, presumably in surprise. Owen rolls away and flings one of his guns towards me. I cock it and take a shot, pure luck, straight through the winged dinos throat. It collapses and I turn to Owen.

"So this is all great." I'm sobbing and laughing out of pure shock, "Oh and haha fuck me, I'm gonna die. I love you Owen!" I put my head in my hands and Owen looks at me in pure shock.

"Yeah, oh my god, I love you Owen and you're my best friend and..." He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. My eyes widen before they flutter shut and I lean into the kiss.

"Ok, as cute as this is we should go." Alex says from behind me. I pull away from Owen and he laughs.

"Yeah, let's go." I say, grabbing my little sisters hand. Together we go back through the main gate. As we go. Claire's phone rings again. She listens for a moment before her eyebrows furrow.

"What do you mean, use the raptors?" She asks.

"Son of a bitch!" Owen shouts, and then a resounding boom floods the cement walls. We all turn towards the gates, and they move with every noise.

"You shouldn't say bitch." Claire's youngest nephew says, slowly backing up.

"Take the kids, get them someplace safe..." Just as I say this the gates break open, revealing a huge crowd of people, hey guess what, all being chased by flying dinosaurs. As if one mind, my group flies towards the jeep and Owen and I hop in the front.

"Let's go! Go!" I shout at Owen, who maneuvers the car backwards. The boys shout encouragements from the backseat as we go.

"Damn it, drive!" Alex finally shouts. I shoot her a dirty look, "sorry." She mutters.

"You shouldn't swear." I reprimand and her eyes widen.

"Is that really a priority right now?" She demands.

"Yes! No swearin- Oh shit!" I shout when a giant dinosaur lands on our hood. Owen swings the car and it goes flying off.

"Can we stay with you?" the younger of Claire's nephews asks. Claire nods profusely.

"I am never leaving you as long as I live." She says, grabbing for their hands. Both the boy's hands go to Owen and I's shoulders.

"No, no, no, them." They assure. I smile to myself as we drive towards the raptor pens.


Our engine roars to a halt and Owen and I slam the car doors. I hear Claire tell the kids to stay there and a few seconds later, is right behind us.

"The mother hens have finally arrived!" Hoskins walks toward us, arms open as if he wants to embrace us. Owen sends a punch at his jaw and his face flies away at the impact.

"Get the hell out of here and stay away from our animals." He says menacingly.

"Hoskins you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch." I say, crossing my arms.

"Thought you said no swearing!" Alex's head quickly goes back in the car at the look I give her. Then I turn back to the dumb ass who stands before us.

"Jesus." He pouts, "How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?"

"It's not a mission." Barry accuses, "It's a field test."

"This is an inGen situation now!" Hoskins announces, "There are going to be cruise ships that show up here at first light. You guys are going to read a news story about how you all saved lives- no better yet, how your animals saved lives." Owen and I share a look.

There may be a way to end this bloodshed now, before we lose anyone else. Barry sees the look on both our faces.

"It's crazy. They've never been out of containment." Hoskins turns to his troops.

"Let's move it out!" He shout spinning his arm around before turning back to us. "This is happening. With or without you kids."

I turn to Owen, "They have a better chance at controlling them with us." I say. He just nods.

"I know." He sighs, "Are we really gonna do this?"

"Yeah." I say, "We are really gonna do this."

Minutes later we stand overlooking a map of the island, Owen and I explaining the minute parts of the plan.

"We know that she is in sector five. This is a game we call hide and seek, it's a scent drill, we've done it a thousand times with these animals." He turns to me. I pull my ever present notebook and slap it down on the table before us, on the right page (go me).

"When they get on scent, and they will get on scent, wait to engage. Raptors are pack hunters, they like to herd an animal into the kill zone. That's when we take our shot. Now we have one good target gentlemen, for the love of god do not shoot our raptors." I scoop my notebook back up and we exit the planning area to get ready.

This is going to be the death of us.

Finally chapter six is out! I'm so sorry it took so long, but I'm pretty proud of it! 1156 words.

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