
"Don't ask questions, just follow orders!" He commanded, slamming his hand on the table, making the girl flinch.

He seemed so frustrated, and angry, not at all......sad.

Her eyes began to water, as she was getting stressed now too. She wanted to go home, she wanted to see her brothers, she wanted her father.

As she pulled her gaze away from the man, they landed on a person she might never liked very much, but still felt relieved to see there.

As her blue eyes locked with the turquoise ones of the red haired fire hero, Ryuka felt something like hope spark inside her. Her eyes widened slightly, showing so much hope in them, practically screaming at the red haired man to help her.

She hoped he would stand up and bring her away from these people. She hoped he would say something, anything to stop them from scaring her or telling lies about her father.

She hoped he would do something.

But he didn't, he only turned his head away, breaking the eye contact, the serious expression on his face never faltering.

Ryuka couldn't quite understand it, wasn't he sad that his friend died? Or angry that he killed himself? But he wouldn't look at her again.

Now more people were talking to her, but she couldn't hear clearly. Her eyes trailed over more of the faces that were sitting a bigger distance away.

A big blonde haired one, a white haired one, a green haired one. They didn't say anything.

Her eyes couldn't focus anymore either, so she decided to look at the plain, white table again.

This went on for hours, so many people in this room shouting at her, demanding her to repeat what they wanted to thrill into her mind.

She was scared and lonely, despite being in a room with multiple people. And there wasn't anyone that was going to save her, no one that was going to help her.

One moment was burned into her brain forever. There were about five people who talked to her, shouted at her, and a few that were just quite the whole time.

The brown eyed man leaned back in his seat, letting out a sigh, like he finally came down a little. Then he chuckled and soon he began to....laugh.

"...Our dear Blacktron did it again, he just wasn't strong enough for this work. Now they scrape him off the floor of his own house!" He called with a cocky grin, making his colleagues laugh out like himself.

The others stayed silent, but these people in front of Ryuka, were laughing.

They were laughing.

They were in control, and she couldn't do anything about it. Tears flowed freely from her eyes. But at this moment, her own thoughts were louder, speaking to her loud and clear.

You can't do anything.

They won't help you.

No one will help you.



- - - - -



Ryuka was just standing in front of a wending like coffee machine, happily humming a song as she bought a package of coffee with a straw in it.

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