"Daddy... Stop... I can't.." Shouto wheezed harshly, staggering on his little feet. The room was so hot that he could see the slight waves ebbing around the room, it made him terribly dizzy and nauseous. His vision kept blurring and fading, hardly able to concentrate on the menacing figure of his father crowding closer and closer to him.

"I can't breathe." Shouto takes a couple of uneven steps backward to escape the heat emitting from his father's body.

"You think a villain is going to care? In a real fight a villain would exploit that weakness, now stop whining and give me all you got!" His father barked loudly, more flames growing along his shoulders and it only screwed Shouto's vision more.

He could no longer think straight, he was sure he could feel his own skin beginning to sizzle off of his body. His knees buckled, nausea clenching at his guts and he reached out to brace against the wall. His hand slid right against the thin paper walls when his father's large fist connected with Shouto's tiny rib cage, knocking the air from his lungs and the child right off his feet.

Shouto gasped, hands grasping for his throat and chest when breathing became impossible for him. His vision went black for just a second the moment his head whacked off the tatami mats of their dojo, his brain rattling against his skull and making his ears ring. The darkness faded away but it did little to fix the blurry, delirious waves his vision seemed to be endlessly swimming in right about now.

"Stand up!" His father's voice sounded a little further away now but that was only until he felt a hot hand wrap around his wrist and yank him up to his feet. Sweat dripped off his eyebrow and almost rolled into his eye, his clothing sticking to his body uncomfortably and he could hardly use his ice quirk to battle against his father's ever-growing heat.

"You've been slacking recently. What? You can't handle a little heat, huh?" That same hot hand that was once around Shouto's wrist was now around his thin throat, lifting him off his feet and squeezing.

Shouto squeaked, both of his small hands were used to wrap around his father's thick forearm and he used all of this little strength to fight the grown man off of him. He felt his throat closing, unable to suck a proper breath in and the feeling of suffocation mixed with the horrible heat was causing some panic beginning to rapidly swell up in his chest.

"Right," His father sighed and the noise hardly reached Shouto's ears due to the blood rushing loudly in them. He could taste iron at the back of his tongue and his head felt as though it was ready to pop from his neck. He could almost physically feel his windpipe being crushed by the large palm pressed around the delicate column of his neck.

"Have you forgotten what happens to unfortunate, little boys like you who are too weak to even fight off petty villains?" Shouto had absolutely no idea what his father was talking about, the only thing he could focus on was the slight clarity that squeezed into the crevices of his mind when the pressure was slightly released from his throat. He felt his back press against the wall with nothing except his father holding him up with his large frame.

He felt another hot palm slide under his gym shirt, feeling over his clammy skin. The hand just nearly covered his entire torso without even trying, the touch was heavy and incredibly uncomfortable.

"Daddy..." Shouto whines, breathing in harsh breaths through his mouth because everything was just.. too hot.

The palm resting heavily against the soft, immature flesh of his belly began getting hotter and hotter. Shouto cried and squealed as his skin popped and sizzled, the acrid smell of burning fat making his eyes water.

"Wait! Wait, stop!" Shouto sobbed, kicking out his small legs and clawing at his father's arms. He coughs, choking on his own saliva as well as the smell of his own melting flesh filling the stuffy room.

"please stop" - {BNHA OneShot}Where stories live. Discover now