The Beginning

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The family was on a spring trip to Egypt. Mic could not wait to be back home. She hated going out and just wanted to play video games online. Her parents, however, would never let her have any alone time, always up in her business. Now they were in Egypt, on a hike up to a mountain of sand while they were trudging through even more sand! "I mean if we just want to see a pile of sand why couldn't you just look outside! Were surrounded by it!", Mic said. Her mother, Teresa, was fed up with her whining, "Michelle Winter Park! You can take that attitude and chuck it in the trash right now! We're on a family vacay and I will have none of your depressing antics!" Teresa exclaimed. Mic just groaned and shut up, watching her ignorant little siblings play around in the sand, trying to conduct sand ball fights with each other. One of her siblings, Jar, tripped on something and suddenly, the sand started spinning. Spinning, spinning, spinning, faster and faster until all they could see was the sand making them sink deeper into the earth.

Mic woke up and was sitting in a dark room, no light in sight. She was fumbling around for her phone she had brought with her, and turned on the flashlight when she found it. Mic looked around, uncertain of where she was. Spontaneously, Mic remembered what happened and started looking for her family. She couldn't say she particularly enjoyed their presence, but she couldn't live with herself if something happened to them.

Suddenly, Mic heard a screech. A screech as loud as a siren that could lead anyone into disarray. It was Sadey, her four year old little sister. She jumped into action, sprinting towards the noise, adrenaline washing over her, blinding her enough to run straight into a wall. A wall that wasn't there seconds before. This was getting creepy. She didn't pay much attention to it, still running for her life trying to find her sister. She was looking everywhere until she ran through an archway into a corridor. There were a couple of doors but in the middle was a giant staircase heading down into the abyss.

Then Mic heard another scream. It was coming from the bottom of the staircase, much clearer now. She flew down the stairs ripping apart some of the rusting railing with her. She kept running, down, down, down, until it was only darkness that engulfed her..    

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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