We want us

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She sits next to me in class in the corner of the classroom.
I look at her all the time.
Her brown eyes, that could seduce every men if she wanted.
Her full and pouted lips that I want to feel on mine
Her dark and smooth complexion
Her hair, perfectly in place, slicked back in a bun
Sometimes it's in braids
Sometimes it's curly and big
So many beautiful hairstyles she does.
She beautiful in every of them
She's beautiful in every way
I know she's looking at me
I see her glancing from time to time
I give her a friendly smile
She looks away and I see her lips smiling
I want her
I crave her


Eren is the popular guy in school. Good at anything he does. He's a very determined and driven person. He likes to do everything like he wants. Wether it's in his classes, at sports or even socially. Especially around the girls. He turns their head every time he passes by. But can we really blame them? After all he's really handsome. He's tall, physically fit and muscular. His hair style made the girls go crazy. Silky brown hair, that grew down to his neck was tied in a bun and leaving a few strands in front of his face. His eyes are a beautiful grey. His lips which he used to smile and let out the words you'd like to hear from him. He could get any girl he wanted, he's well aware of it.
But his eyes already saw who he wanted. He didn't talk to her, yet. But whatever he wants he gets.
She made him feel different from the other girls.
He wants her.
He wants to hear her voice, not what she sounds like every day. But what she would sound like when he would make her nervous or even excited.
He wanted to feel her against him. Her scent, when she passed by him.
He like it, he was obsessed with it.
Sweet and delicious. Warm and sugary. Something like vanilla.
She always leaves early. It annoyed him that he never got to see her after school. She was hard to talk to. She's probably one of those girls who have a curfew and strict parents. Or maybe she's smarter than he thought, she's playing hard to get. She knows how to play. Eren like that. That made him want her even more.
Eren decided to try next week on Monday. He will come early and talk to her. He will. He has to.


Tonight is Armin 19th birthday party. Since he's a friend of Eren, almost everyone in school would be there. The party already started and the wildness started as well. Beer pong, Skinny dipping, truth or dare, vaping, dancing and everything you can think of. But Eren didn't care about any of that, he wanted her to be here. If she was here, she'll come to him, he knows it. Eren was talking to a few of the guests, when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and found Cory standing behind him. He's a best friend of Eren.
"Hey man, what's up?" asked Eren while giving him a hand shake
"I'm good, I just arrived" he replied
Cory looked around.
"This is big. I hope the cops won't come knocking at the door" he said
"I don't think so, with all the noise and craziness going around, they'll come" said Eren with a smile
"I feel like I regret bringing my sister with me" he said
"Your sister? You have a sister?" asked Eren
"Yeah, see that girl with the purple dress over there?" said Cory as he pointed to the living room area
Eren looked over at the living room. Among the crowd of people dancing around while drinking and vaping, he spotted a girl in the living room talking to a girl he knew from school, Mikasa. His eyes traced her purple dress until he met her face. He smiled in satisfaction.
"Your sister is y/n, why didn't you never tell me?" asked Eren
"Trust me when I tell you I can't. My sister doesn't like me talking about her in school. I respect that, so no one know except a couple of people and you" said Cory
"She's in my class. I'll go talk to her, hope you don't mind?" asked Eren
Cory smiled and patted Erens shoulder
"Do whatever you want, she's very hard to talk to if she doesn't know you. Don't play around with her. I know she's old enough to make her own decisions but she's my sister. Not some girl in school you can play with. We cool?" said Cory
"Yeah, I know" replied Eren with a smile
Eren walked towards her. Not even paying attention to who he was pushing in the crowd full of high and drunk people. She was alone now, looking out the window. In her corner. Vaping. She turned her head and noticed him. Eren smiled at her. She smiled back. He got close enough, where he could see her fully. She was even more beautiful. The purple dress against her dark skin made her stand out.
"Hey" he said
"Hey Eren" she replied
So she knew him. He like the sound of her voice. The sound of his name was even better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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