Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Hey guyss! So honestly just thought of this story on a whim and thought it would be fun to write it. Not related to any of my other stories. I'll be going back and forth between this one and my other current story, Fly High Waterflower. So just be patient with my updates, I really hope everyone likes the story as much as I do. Enjoy!

~Misty's POV~

"Misty, wait! Let's talk about this." My boyfriend, now ex, shouted at me. Feeling him grab ahold of my arm, I huffed and stopped.

"You want to talk!? You just told me you wanted to break up, what more do we need to talk about?!" I spat angrily. I felt tears threatening to fall but I sucked them back in, refusing to let myself cry in front of him.

"I love you Mist, you know that, but I haven't achieved my dreams yet and yo—"

"I'm holding you back right?" I interrupted sourly. I knew that was what he was going to say. He's talked about wanting to leave for months now and I didn't blame him. Not at first. Not until he brought up ending our two year relationship just because of a little distance.

I just assumed with how much we loved each other, he'd at the very least, ask me to come with him.

I was wrong.

"Yes." He whispered, finally releasing the grip he had on me.

"Then go. I don't ever want to see you again!" Grabbing my backpack, I fled away from his house in Pallet.

I ran all the way back to Cerulean City, where my home was. Not being able to feel my legs anymore, I collapsed on a patch of grass right outside my home.

I felt my phone buzz, ignoring it I tried to steady my breathing from having ran for so long. I let my tears finally fall as I kept replaying what just happened over and over, the reality of it all sinking in.

Ash Ketchum, the only boy I ever loved, broke my heart.

May's POV

"Good job in the contest today, April." A voice behind me spoke up.

I turned around to a rose landing right in my hand perfectly. I blushed.

It was my rival and long time crush, Drew Hayden.

"Thanks Grasshead, even though I didn't win." I mumbled the last part.

"You win some, you lose some. It happens. You'll do better next time." He encouraged.

I nodded determinedly,"You're right. I will!"

"Ohhhh Drewy! You coming?" A familiar voice called.

I turned around to see Briana, another one of my rivals, waving at Drew.

I glanced back at Drew with a raised eyebrow.

"Where are you and Briana going?"

"We have a date." My stomach dropped at his words.

"So, you and Briana are a thing now?"

"Something like that. I was going to tell you, there was just never a good time." He said.

I glared at him, suddenly feeling bubbles of anger rise in my chest.

"Never a good time to tell me you lied to me, am I right?" I sarcastically replied.

"Listen May, you're not good enough for me and you never will be. When I told you I loved you, I lied. You were dumb enough to actually believe it."

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