Chapter 18: A Newcomer and The Room of Requirement

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"Like I said, I'm James Hethon and to tell you the truth, I think you demigods are amazing," He exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and started pumping it up and down enthusiastically. "The way your friend, Percy handled that huge dragon thing ... blimey! I thought my heart was going to pop out right out of my chest!"

"Thank you?" I replied uncertainly, feeling a little overwhelmed by his over-enthusiastic greeting.

"I'm really sorry that I followed you like that, I just really admire you guys and I wanted to know more about you. My mates think you guys are awesome too. There's a lot of rumours flying around about you guys but since nobody knows anything about all of you and you're kind of a mystery, I wanted to find out more." He smiled widely at me, looking a little awestruck.

"Wow, thanks ... I guess," I replied awkwardly. "And uh, not trying to be rude or anything here but aren't you suppose to be in lessons right now? Won't you get detention or something?"

"Yeah, I should probably head back now. Thanks, Nico, cool trick with that just now, it was brilliant even if you did scare me half out of my wits!" With a cheerful wave and a smile, he ran off towards the castle.

Still feeling a little bewildered at what just happened, I headed back to my friends. Percy was out of the water by then and all of them looked up as I approached.

"Well, that was fast," Thalia remarked. "Weren't you heading for London?"

I shook my head and told them everything that had happened down at the woods. Percy's eyes narrowed when he heard about James hiding behind a tree and he seemed to be suspicious of the guy. "We'll have to check him out and keep an eye on that James kid, just I case. I don't trust someone who goes around trying to find more information about us." He muttered as he lay down beside Annabeth.

"Well you can't really blame him for being curious about us. Everybody is since the only people we've really talked to are Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Weasleys. We did show up out of nowhere and we're not even wizards." Grover pointed out.

"Yeah that's true but I agree with Percy. We should watch him closely for the next few days at least." Annabeth spoke out to nods of agreement.

As dusk settled in, we got up form out spots next to the lake and walked up to the castle. The Gryffindor common room was incredibly noisy, with the Weasley twins putting on a show of their products, advertising and encouraging everybody to buy them. The trio were slumped in chairs, looking irritated by the amount of noise and seeming exhausted as they tried to do their homework.

"How was the lake?" Harry asked, glancing up as we collapsed into chairs next to them.

"Pretty awesome, I saw the giant squid and some mermaids. I thought I saw a girl down there too but it must have been my imagination," Percy shrugged as he peered over at Ron's work.

"You weren't imagining anything, that was probably Moaning Myrtle," Hermione said darkly. "A ghost from one of the girl's toilets," She explained further as we all gave her confused looks.

"I met someone too, this guy named James Hethon. Ever heard of him?" I asked and recounted the incident in the forest.

Hermione frowned as Harry and Ron both exchanged looks. "Never heard of him, he must be from the other houses," Hermione said, still looking a little troubled. She cast an annoyed look at the twins as a fresh wave of whistles and applause started up.

"Well, you have no idea what happened to us today as well," Harry said wearily and recounted the day's events. All of us were silent until Tyson broke the silence.

"That pink annoying woman ... is stopping us from doing everything?" He asked tentatively.

"Yeah ..." Percy sighed, a look of anger flashing through his face.

Two Different Worlds, Two Heroes : Percy Jackson and Harry Potter [EDITING]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя