43: Follow me

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"Is your father feeling any better, Y/n?" Momo asked, as you both sat at the table making the final preparations for the wedding ceremony.

"No. It seems like he's getting worse." You sighed. "I hope he breaks out of it soon. I can't imagine my life without him."

"I know.. maybe it would be wise to move the wedding forward a bit." Momo suggested.

"I know, and I want him there to see my special day." You sighed.

"I think it would be best to move the wedding up a couple weeks. To ensure that your father will be there."

"I agree." You sighed. Suddenly, Keigo entered the room and kissed your cheek.

"Hello my love bird." He greeted, and placed even more kisses over your face.

"Hello Kei. I think it's best if we move the wedding up a couple weeks." You explained to him.

"Great, I get to marry you sooner." He smiled, and kissed your head.

"Yes, haha.. but I'm doing it for my father." Uou sighed sadly.

"He's not getting better?"

"No, not at all.."

"Did he fall sick all of a sudden?"

"Out of no where."

"Hm.. I wonder..."

"Huh? Wonder what?"

"Oh, nothing my love." Keigo would smile and kiss the side of your head. "I'll be right back, I'm going to tell Touya that the wedding is going to be sooner."

"Alright Kei." You smiled and went back to talking with Momo.

Keigo rushed out of the room, on his way to find Touya. He ran up stairs to try and find him up in his room but he wasn't anywhere to be found. He then made his way to the garden and again, no Touya. "This mother fucker.." Keigo said under his breath. He finally decided to check the courtyard, and he was there sitting on a concrete bench, smoking a cigarette.

Touya had heard Keigo approach him, and blew out a puff of smoke. "Hey there, chicken legs." Touya greeted with a smirk. But Keigo wasn't having it.

"Don't call me that. Whatever you're doing, you need to quit it."

"Whatever do you mean?" He said sarcastically, throwing the cigarette down and stepping on it.

"Touya I swear to god, I know you are the reason the King is sick. And don't you think for a moment that I won't put you in jail for it." Keigo threatened, and finally caught the full attention of Touya.

"All of those years of friendship mean nothing to you then, huh?"

"Friendship? You call poisoning my fiancé's father friendship!?"

"You have no proof that it's me. It could be Bakugou for all you know."

"Don't try and pull that shit with me. I know goddamn well that Bakugou wouldn't do that to Y/n. And I'll fucking find proof against you."

"Ha, good luck with that." He simply rolled his eyes, and stood up from the bench. "You're as dumb as a brick, you won't find shit against me."

"Touya if you keep this up I'll have it ordered that you be put in jail."

"You wouldn't fucking dare, Keigo. I'm the only thing keeping your kingdom alive right now."

"Tch, when I marry Y/n, she will be. She's incredibly smart and knows strategy. Herself alone could handle two kingdoms. So drop your ego down a couple notches."

"Drop my ego? Ever since you got with Y/n your ego has been through the fucking roof!"

"Princess Y/n." Keigo corrected. "That is an order from me. You are to address her as Princess, soon to be queen."

"Whatever." Touya rolled his eyes and began to walk away. "I advise you to be careful, Keigo, of what your next move is." With that, Touya walked passed him, bumping shoulders with him. Keigo sighed and stayed in the courtyard, sitting down on the bench that Touya was at. He looked down at his feet and saw the cigarette still burning some.

It was starting to get late in the day and you haven't seen Keigo for a couple of hours. You decided to go on the hunt for him, or maybe even find Touya since that should have been the last person to see him. Luckily, as you were going to head up to your room to see if Keigo was there, you ran into Touya.

"Touya, have you seen Keigo recently?" You asked him. He stopped what he was doing and flashed you a smile.

"No, I haven't seen him for a couple of hours, Princess Y/n." He admitted.

"Oh alright, thanks.. and you don't have to call me that you know."

"Oh, but I have to. It was ordered by chicken wings himself."

You couldn't help but try to hold in a laugh at that nickname. "Cmon now, be nice. Why did he order that of you?"

"It's because he believes you have earned your title, therefore deserve to be called as such." Touya explained. "I mean, I have no problem calling you that. You are a great leader. And well... you certainly do look like a Princess."

"Oh, thank you." You blushed a bit at the compliment, but took a deep breath. "You have no idea where he would be?"

"Last time I saw him he was in the courtyard.. but he did say he was going to stop by my room.. why do we go and check?" Touya smiled a bit, but it wasn't like the other one. It was a bit more... devious, and you could definitely see through it.

"Oh, uh, no that's alright. I'll just talk to him at dinner, I wouldn't want to trouble you." You went to go turn around, but he grabbed your wrist rather tightly.

"It's no trouble at all, Princess. Come on, I'll take you."

"N-No, I'm alright, thank you though." You gulped and tried to get your hand away, but he just held it tighter.

"Cmon now Princess. Just follow me."


"Do it." He held on tighter. "I have something to show you anyways."

"I said n-"

"Unfortunately I don't care what you have to say. Do as I say."

"No!" You shouted, Touya a bit shocked at how loud you actually could be. "Keigo!! Katsuki!!"

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