36: Blinded

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Everything was finally ready.

You were wearing your blue dress, standing next to your mother. She was standing next to your father, and they were standing in the middle of the platform where the thrones were. Your brother and his fianceè stood besides your father, and Keigo next to you. Momo, Jirou, Kirishima, Bakugou, the Todorokis and Tokoyami were standing behind everyone.

Everyone started to file in, bowing to the royal family before they walked off and started to have their snacks, or adult beverages. After about thirty minutes though, your father had relieved you all, and started to partake in all of the drinks, snacks, and overall fun. The music was planned to play after the announcement.

You stood next to Keigo the entire time, as kids from the village came up to the two of you, mocking you almost. They kept singing, 'K I S S I N G' because they knew it would bother the two of you. The truth was, it didn't very much bother you now, since they two of you were more comfortable around each other. Actually, it was kind of nice to you to be tease like that.

You would laugh a bit as the kids tease the two of you, and you looked up at Keigo. As if on cue, he would look down at you with a soft smile.. there seemed to be so much love in his eyes. He would chuckle some as he saw a blush rise to your cheeks, and lean down to peck your lips quickly. The kids all gasped and let out loud 'ewws' as you and Keigo laughed. They would run away, as you continued to laugh harder.

"I love you so much." Keigo would say, and kiss your cheek gently. You would lean into his kiss and giggle, holding his hand.

"There you are!" You heard a voice call. You looked over, and saw an old friend that you haven't seen in about two years.

"Hikari!" You smiled brightly as you let go of Keigo and ran up to her and hugged her. She was perfectly tan and had brown hair, blue eyes. She laughed as you hugged her and hugged you back.

"It's so good to see you!" She pulled away from you, and looked over your face. "You look good!"

"You do too!" You were excited to see her...

"So, who is this?" She would lift her head up, looking at Keigo. Her tone sounded.. suspicious. Almost as if she was protecting you, but.. not they way you were expecting. Something was definitely off.

"Oh, of course." You hit your head and grabbed Keigos hand. "Hikari this is Keigo, my fiancé. Keigo, this is one of my best friends, Hikari. She's the daughter of a merchant, and just got back from a trip."

Keigo took a deep breath and smiled at her, just to keep it friendly. He nodded his head once, as Hikari stuck out her hand. He would take her hand and again, nod his head, just to be respectful.

"I've heard a lot about you in letters Y/n has written me, Keigo." Hikari would smile a bit. "And she was right, you are very attractive."

Keigo let out a chuckle, but you couldn't tell if it was an embarrassed one, or one where he was accepting the compliment. But he remained quiet. He was acting strange.

"But yes, I just got back from my trip. I came back from Argentina. It was very beautiful. Have you ever been, Keigo?" Hikari tilted her head some, looking right at him. You were starting to get an off vibe about the two of them..

"Maybe once or twice. But I was small, I don't remember too much from my time there."

"Well, if you've been there you must at least remember the Yerba Mate! It was probably the best drink I have ever had or will have!"

"Yes, I suppose it was good."

"Oh, and the wine tastings! Ugh, so amazing!"

Hikari continued to ramble on about Argentina with Keigo, but you didn't seem to mind it all that much. You trusted both of them very well... but you were wondering why he was being so quiet. You placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention, and he looked right at you. "I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?"

"No love, I'm alright." He smiled down at you and you nodded, heading over to one of the tables with all the drinks. As you were getting one, Bakugou had come over to you.

"I don't like the way those two are talking to each other." He grumbled lowly. You looked at him strangely and then looked back at Keigo and Hikari. Keigo was now laughing, and definitely engaging in the conversation.

"Well, she's one of my friends, I'd want them to get along." You said plainly, not wanting to cause any drama on this night.

"But he was acting so plan before when you were around.. how come not now?"

"I don't know, Katsuki. But I'd rather not think about anything like that." You sighed and turned back around, grabbing a drink from the table.

"Oh.. and there it is." Katsuki sounded like he had a smirk on his face. You whipped your head around and saw the two of them again. Her hand was now on his arm as she was twirling her hair with her other hand. Keigo didn't seem to mind.. in fact, it seemed like he was entertaining it.

"Katsuki, please." You sighed. You didn't want to put up with this.

"I'm just pointing it out to you." He said, before making you look at him. At this point, your body was facing Katsuki, and his eyes seemed to be filled with emotion.. one that you couldn't really explain. "I'm telling you, he's no good for you."

"That's not for you to decide for me."

"You're so incredibly blinded, Y/n."

"By what, Katsuki? I think my vision is perfect, and I know he loves me."

"Oh really? He loves you now huh?"

"Yes, he does. I'm sure of it."

"Then where his he and your 'friend'?"

"What?"  You turned to where the two were, and they were gone. You got on your tip toes to see if you could see them within the sea of people, and nothing. "Dammit... where is he?"

"Probably somewhere with that girl. They seemed very friendly when you left."

"Katsuki that isn't funny."

"I'm not trying to."

"I'm going to go find him.."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if uou find them cheating?"

"He wouldn't..."

A/n: I'm so sorry for the late updates, it's crazy haha... but here!!

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