The Missing Piece

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I rushed out of that place as fast as I could, ignoring the puzzled and concerned looks on my friends' faces. I also felt the gaze of someone's eyes on my back, but I was too scared to look back and see whose eyes it was that were following me.

Once I got out of the Great Hall, I looked around desperately trying to find somewhere I could think. I heard another clap of thunder and rushed for the entrance to the school. I was greeted by the calming storm which had engulfed Hogwarts. I ran as fast as I could to the boulder by the lake; my sanctuary. I sat on the rock and let the rain wash over me as I collected my thoughts.

For the past two and a half hours I have just been sitting here in the rain replaying everything over and over again. But I'm still as confused as ever. Why did James Potter have this effect on me? Why did I feel so cold when we stopped touching?

This is where I am now. Still on this bloody boulder trying to make sense of the last three hours of my life.

'I don't get it!' I think to myself. 'Why would Ja—I mean, Potter, effect me like this? Okay, so I admit he's good looking, and smart, and funny, and sweet, and has the cutest smile ever, but I mean, c'mon! He's James Potter and I'm Lily Evans! It just doesn't fit!'

I let out an exasperated sigh and jump off the boulder. I'm just standing here now, willing the rain to wash all this confusion away.


This is all just so annoying! It's not as though I like James or something. Sure, he's a good friend now. But that's all! No romantic thoughts, whatsoever.

"Lily! Lily Evans!"

Well, there was that one time where I thought of how nice it would be to be in James' arms and have his lips on mine. But that was only three, um… I mean ONE time. And who doesn't think about kissing James Potter? And being in his arms? And having him smile at you all the time like you're the only girl he will ever smile at again? And watching him slip a gorgeous ring on your finger…

"Lily! Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sudden presence of the person I've been thinking… okay fine, obsessing about.

"James," I say his name just above a whisper.

I can't help but notice that James looks pretty dang good in the rain. With his hair flat on his head and his clothes sticking to his body and the water drops dripping down his face to the crevasse in his neck where the pulse point is and… okay. I'm done.

"What are you doing here?" I continue in that annoying above whisper thing because I don't think my voice is physically able to talk in normal volume due to the six feet of wet gorgeousness standing in front of me.

"I was going to ask you the same question," he retorts with that half-smile that sends my heart soar—what! No! No! No!

"Oh. Um, well, you see…" Wow. Great start, Evans. Really, you should win a medal for eloquence or something.

"I love thunderstorms," I finish quickly.

"Oh. That's cool," James says as he reaches up to run his fingers through his hair. HE stops though and ends up rubbing the back of his neck instead. Maybe I'm hallucinating, but he looks kind of… nervous?

"Why are you out here, James?" Yes! My voice sounds semi-normal! Score one for Lily!

"Well," he starts, "I was, uh, worried about you. I mean, you kind of rushed out of the Great Hall really fast earlier and I wanted to make sure that, you know, everything was okay and that you were okay. I mean, that was practically three hours ago, Lils, and I was really getting nervous. So I've been looking for you for the past hour or so. And now I see that you obviously are, okay that is. Not that you're not normally okay, because I think you're much better than okay but that's just me and I should probably shut up now."

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