Imagine (vent? Archie isnt sure)

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Imagine using a:

Hey archie is back i drank water im not sleepy now

Forget what i said i like rocks

As a excuse to not embarrass yourself when having a conversation with a friend you admire 

Imagine not doing any of your assignments until your teacher reminds you

Imagine getting no 70's in your grade and somehow managed to get 80+ but your mom is still disappointed due to 99% of your grades going down

Imagine failing about 90% of your test and never telling your parents because you know them well that they will be disappointed because you promised them you will make up the previous test score for your current one

Imagine writing a chapter in 1:30 AM in the morning

Imagine having parents who actually help you with assignments so they can see what they want

Imagine not having to be what people expect 

Imagine having some time alone with yourself for once...relaxing? Or do you not like it? 

Imagine having smile for a picture when your in the worse mood you have been

Imagine archie venting for once

Imagine archie isnt the author real name

Imagine that author archie is crying right now while writing this due to her just not feeling good for no reason

Imagine archie...being her true self? 

Sorry archie doesnt know how to continue writing

Archie might have ideas but archie doesn't know how to continue the ideas 

Archie says she has a neutral opinion on herself that isnt really true

Archie likes to speak in third person while in a bad mood or sad mood 

Archie got distracted on what she was supposed to do

Archie wants to be what she wants but its so hard to do that 

Archie dreams of being useful someday

Archie wishes she wasnt so emotional 

Archie doesnt want to be a crybaby but she is

Archie is sorry

A little bit of everything book (personal memes,Tears,Flexing)Where stories live. Discover now