True ultimates (if they traitor/mastermind)

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Rina: Ultimate reality ANIMATOR/ultimate hope ender (ik its op but i think it would be a bit of a twist)

Anzai kai: Ultimate traitor/facade (he manage to fool everyone he was the ultimate priest...)

Rin: Ultimate murderer/ultimate despair helper ("see...those graves on the hill? Those were my kills")

Diana: Ultimate betrayer/Ultimate executioner(same as traitor but meh)

Xander: Ultimate executioner/ultimate mastermind 

Rinatro: Ultimate weapon/ultimate rebellion 

Misty: Ultimate manipulator/ultimate despair

Rosaline: Ultimate faker/Ultimate despair

Michell: Ultimate secret keeper/Ultimate faker

Things they say as mastermind:

Rin: "i will kill everyone and leave nothing behind...goodbye"

Rina: "I KILLED HIM I KILLED HIM...i...killed him..."

Anzai: "...Rest well...Friends"

Diana: "...Goodbye and goodnight comrades..."

Misty: "Yes...i admit it...i am the one who created the games...why?...why...good question..."

Rinatro: "I made it for her..."

Rosaline: "hahahah! Me? A friend? Stop using your emotions as evidence can you?"

Michell: "goodnight everyone lets all say our Goodnight's to each other shall we?"

Things they say as traitor: 

Rin: "...selfish of me right?...i deserve this..."

Rina: " the traitor...i admit it...i dont wanna live a lonely world without him..."

Anzai kai: "...w-why...why did the mastermind chose me for a traitor?!"

Diana: "...i am?...i am...i forgot about all seemed like comrades to me...i got lost in the memories we made together"

Misty: "..."

Rinatro: " the it would make sense for me to be the traitor"

Rosaline: "i am? Oh right i am...thanks for reminding me"

Michell: "...i am a monster...but THEY accepted me for who i am"

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