Chapter 4

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"Wake up." I groan as something shakes me. I look up and lock eyes with my roommate, Judge angels. I get startled, and she walks off as if nothing happens. I soon stand up and yawn, yes my masks still on. I decided not to take it off for tonight, even if it made it difficult to breath. My feet touch the cold floor and I put on my socks and shoes again. Then I throw on my jacket and fixed my hair before leaving as well. Judge Angels was probably at the bathroom, cause it's locked. Theres a sign if its locked or open to prevent someone just entering immediatly. I don't need to use it right now either, I used it like 2 or 3 hours ago, cause I didnt sleep much. My mind wandered all night. 

I leave the room and see that some people are already in the hallway, like a female version of LJ talking to a red headed guy with a big hat. A boy rolls, no for real, rolls through the hallway. Walking is impossible, because he had no legs or arms. It's creepy how he literally rolls lifelessly on the floor, but I know he's alive, not to mention that most people don't even pay attention to him. EJ is also in the hallway, leaning to the wall, with Ben next to him, flying. Lazary dances around the people and comes up to me "Good morning Masky" she looks so happy today. "good morning Laz" she chuckles "Laz? I like that name!" I pat her head just because she's adorable. "Hey, what are you doing?" The girl from yesterday appeared to be right behind me, giving me a good scare. "talking to Lazary?" I look confused, especially because now she looks scared, or worried. "Lazary? She's here?" I point at the child next to me. "There... is noone. Follow me." She Speedwalks through the hallways, which turns soon into a run giving me a hard time keeping up. Lazary next to me the whole time, no clue how she's this fast. The girl enters a room, letting me in before slamming the door close. Laz was still next to me, but was quiet. 

"What is this room?" "My room. I'm Kate." "Masky." Kate, huh? "Well, tell me how this *Lazary* looks like." I inspect my friend, who now dances from one leg to another, swinging her arms happily. "She has brown red-ish hair, almost red eyes, a red or pink dress, white socks, and the right side of her face is fully black with a demonic eye and a small horn on that side as well." Kate grabs my arms and shakes me "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" She yelled at me. I don't get what the problem is much, I mean, she's probably just an illusion of my schizophrenia. Kate lets go of me and searches through her drawers until she pulls out a file, with the name Lazary on it. "Stay. Away. From. Her. She's the daughter of one of Slendermans worst enemies, Zalgo. She's a demon. She's dangerous. Don't trust her." I try to fit the pieces together. It doesnt seem like she had any idea of how Lazary actually is, because she was the first one really helping me and the first person I called friend once I got here. Kate sighs "Well, it's time for breakfast now. You've got good timing on waking up, If it wasnt Angel who did it." Kate shoves me out of the way to leave her own room, damn.

I follow her, I have still no conclusion on how this place is build up. She walks down the halls to the dinning room from yesterday, most people were already there. I stand next to the wall and wait, until everyone sit's down on time. Three people are missing, Toby, Slenderman and someone else. Just in time they all enter, the third one was the girl with a clock in her eye, she looks filled with Joy. "I got to teach the wounded one!" She yells out at the table in the happiest way possible. Most people gratuated her, when another person limps inside the room. It's a boy with a mask aswell, the hat looks awfully familiar, but the mask... It is the same as the one in the "totheark" video. So I'm familiar. 

His legs seem to be fine, but his hands rest on his stomach. He locks eyes with me, and we just stare for a second, before he shruggs. "H-Hi I'm Skully" his nervous glance goes through the crowd, and we lock eyes again. His eyes have a green shimmer in them, it looks... pretty, honestly. I shouldn't trust him much though because I don't know how much he's on my side and how much on the others. Though, eyes are a window to the soul how it's said, and the eyes of his seem to are filled with pain. I wonder what he's been through. After good 2 or 3 minutes they all sit down, to my surprise, the one to my left, Jeff, sat up and left his seat, and signaled skully to sit there, before moving. Clockwork sat infront of us, and slenderman at the far right ofcourse, like the boss of everyone, which he is. We all start eating instantly, but Skully didnt. "Are you okay? Why arent you eating?" I point with my knife to his food, but he shakes his head quietly. 

I shrug my shoulders and continued to shove the food under my mask. "You will share a room with someone. Either Kagekao or Jill." And Toby acts as if he were the boss of everyone. His head shrugs in his shoulders and he makes a silent tone. Honestly how can people respect him like that. I don't know what but something gave me a sign to speak up about it. "Hey, tell me, how can everyone have so much respect for someone who makes these weird movements and sounds?!" The whole table, and now I mean the whole table went silent, some gag on their food, but everyone just stared at me in shock. Some forks drop. I made a terrible mistake, didnt I? Eyeless Jack was now growling at me. Growling? Yea. Jeff makes a snoring sound, Clockwork makes a shocked sound, Sally dramatically sighs. I'm in biiiig trouble, I can sense it. "Don't EVER. Make fun of Toby's tics." Jeff warns me, he seems more likely to be frightened. Jeff and frightened, an unbelievable combination. Jeff looks scary himself, and he's suppose to fear someone?

"I have Tourette, Asshole."

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