Chapter Thirty

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"What did" Amber asked a little confused.

"She did" Mila replied.

"She...who" Amber asked.

"Do you remember at life on the lane they had lots of behind the scenes production and assistants running about night and day... we got used to some of them didn't we."

Amber nodded. "Yes some I still have on social media from back then"

"There was this girl... and I could kick myself for not remembering her name... but she was super young, perhaps eighteen and she worked the show as a little runner and assistant, sometimes we would have her on the trips just in the background fetching stuff or helping to set up remote shots for the camera crew. She was a niece of one of the production members I believe, anyway she was doing it for the summer before she went to college, English degree or something"

Amber was completely confused... "what does this have to do with me" she asked. She didn't remember the girl that Mila was talking about specifically.

Mila took a sip from her lemonade "She began to interfere a little at the end... perhaps the last six weeks. She would offer me direction before certain scenes and she took a huge interest in you, she seemed to only pop up when we were together, she ruined our last romantic meal before we left for Cabo because she dropped a case of wine on our table on the way by, she said it was an accident but I never believed her"

"I remember that" Amber said thinking back "it ruined my entire outfit. My white dress turned red" she remembered.

"After that we never got another moment together to talk without her hanging around. When we went to Cabo she seemed to manipulate our moments together, she gave me the wrong address for our beach day and sent me off on a wild goose chase to a beach two hours away. When I came back realising I was in the wrong place you guys had all gone off on the boat cruise from the beach and I missed out spending any time with you. Then my parents showed up and we had so much distance already that it was almost easier to let you go... like the world was against us anyway because no matter what I did she seemed to intercept me. I honestly thought she was just doing another job for production, manipulating the story line to be what they wanted... but I went to them when the show was over to complain... I felt like she verged on inappropriate as she had started sending me messages to not come to the press days, she got a little stalker like if I'm being honest and she scared me. They told me she was just a runner and on hand for assistance, she had no say on anything to do with production, infact they barely knew who I was talking about"

"God" Amber said taking a deep breath and leaning back in her chair "What did they do about her" she asked and Mila sat forward fiddling with her fingers a little anxiously "They told her she couldn't work on their team again as she unprofessional and obviously to quit contact with me"

"And did she" Amber asked.

"Oh she quit contact via her own phone but she sent me these awful letters for a while and I knew it was her because I still had the note she wrote me on the trip with the beach address on it... it was the same handwriting"

"What did they say" Amber asked concern etched on her brow.

"Stay away, Leave Amber alone or die trying to contact her...lots of wonderful letters like that... her obsession with you Amber it was insane... and of course we weren't in contact and so I didn't ever tell you but I did ask the show to let you know... to make sure you were aware of her"

"They didn't" Amber replied shaking her head. "But nothing ever did happen... I never heard from any girl"

"Not that you know of... Amber I gave those letters to Rosslyn... she seemed positive they had some relation to what's going on now... she mentioned Sydney had something similar"

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