Chapter 8:Girlfriend?!

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Wei Ying's finally out of his room and was ready to go back to the hospital when his friends stopped him

"Wei Ying,you've been going somewhere this days and where are you hurrying at today?"Zhoucheng asked

"Oh,I'm...I'm going to hurry back home for dinner since my Dada told me he'll cook dinner,yeah yeah that's right"Wei Ying lied while staring at his friends weirdly "anyways,I have to go,bye!"he said as he ran to his car leaving his friends as they looked at each other

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?"Ji Li asked

"Yeah,let's follow him"Zhoucheng said

"You guys go ahead,I'll be going home now"Yubin said

"Eh?why!?"Jili and Zhoucheng asked while Lan Zhan was just behind them listening while being anxious about his Wei Ying

"Let's just go and follow him"Lan Zhan finally spoke from behind them shocking them three

" long have you been there!?"Ji Li asked

"I'm literally behind you four this whole time even when Wei Ying was here"Lan Zhan replied

"Oh,where's your brother and Zhanzhan?"Zhoucheng asked

Lan Zhan, "dinner date"

"Then,let's go follow Wei Ying now,he's starting his engines come on!"Ji Li said and the three ran to their cars leaving Yubin at school

The three followed Wei Ying using Lan Zhan's car leaving Zhoucheng's car at their school while Ji Li's brother doesn't allow him to drive

"Where is he going?"Ji Li asked

Zhoucheng, "that's why we're following him to find out"

"Oh right...look!he's slowing down!"Ji Li said and Lan Zhan slowed down his car as well

They arrived at a flower shop and saw Wei Ying getting down his car

"What is he doing here?"Ji Li asked

"Probably to buy bread"Zhoucheng said sarcastically

"Oh,really?but why in a flower shop?is he that idiot?"Ji Li asked and Zhoucheng and Lan Zhan looked at him finding some sarcasm in his face and when they didn't they facepalmed themselves

"Of course to but flowers you idiot"Zhoucheng said as he smacked Ji Li's head

"Quiet,he's coming out"Lan Zhan said

"What kind of coming out?"Ji Li mischievously asked and Lan Zhan glared at him and received another smack from ZhouCheng

"You and your dirty mind"Zhoucheng muttered and sat down properly watching at Wei Ying opening the door of the flower shop with a bouquet

"Is he going on a date?"Zhoucheng asked

Lan Zhan, "why would you think of that?maybe it's for his parents he said he'll have dinner with his parents right?!it must be for his parents!"

"Woah woah hold your horses,why are even shouting like a madman?"Zhoucheng asked and Lan Zhan coughed fakely and stared back at Wei Ying who was entering his car

Lan Zhan, "he's leaving"he said as he started his engines and followed Wei Ying

A minute after following Wei Ying they arrived in hospital of Beijing which made them confuse,they saw Wei Ying walking out of the parking lot and Lan Zhan parked his car and quickly followed Wei Ying inside the hospital

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