"Yes yes. He's a good guy. I'm sure he has a very good reason why he drove over the speed limit."

"Oh, in that case. Pardon me Dr Overhaul for holding you up." He bowed down, apologizing.

"Thanks Nemoto." I thanked him, said goodbye to them and quickly drove away.

I owe you one fucking big favor Nemoto if I catch (y/n)...

And I really hope I still have enough time.

Finally I arrived at the entrance and parked my car, then got out to race with the time.

Everything in my life will lose it's purpose if I lose her. How could I continue living without her now that she became so important to me? She's the reason why I get up every single morning. Everything I have and everything I am is her's. And she's my beautiful swan... No... My angel. She's my angel and I need her. She's the woman. That's why I can't lose her.

I asked someone at the help desk which flight will depart in less than an hour to Europe. She explained to me which way I should go and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. There was not much time left for the plane to depart and this airpoirt was huge.

I read the signs and boards while running so I wouldn't get lost or make a wrong turn.

Damn this situation is like a fucking lame romantic movie where the guy is running after the woman all over the airport and coincidentally he catches up to her... I can only hope I will be lucky enough to reach her as well. But this is not a movie. This is the reality, so I must be fast and force my legs to run faster.

Accidentaly I bumped into a few people on my way, but I didn't have time to stop nor to apologize. I yelled back many sorries for my rudeness as I kept running.

On the announcer I heard them saying the flight will depart in a very short time. There was only about 10 minutes left for the passengers to get on the plane. And I was still fucking far from the gate to that flight.

Crowds blocked my way and I wasn't able to run at full speed, but I tried my best and later I finally saw the gate which must lead to (y/n)'s flight.

And the guy standing there was closing the gate. "WAIT!" I yelled.

He stopped to look at me and soon I reached him. I was panting for air and placed my hands over my knees, trying to cool off. "Please wait." I choked out between heavy breaths.

"I'm sorry sir but I have to close this gate now. Please show me your ticket and passport and you shall pass, but hurry please." He said to me.

I stood back up and shook my head. "No. I'm looking for someone. Have you met a woman around my age with (h/l) (h/c), (e/c)? She's a doctor as myself."

He looked at me puzzled, but I saw on his expression that he tried to remember.

"My apologies sir, but there were no doctors boarding to this flight." He told me.

I grabbed him by his collar. "That woman means the world to me! Don't fuck with me! I know she's flying to Europe and this is that flight."

"Yes sir, this flight goes there, but I didn't see anyone like her." He shook his hands in front of himself.

I let go of him, took my phone out and searched for her social media profile to find a picture of her to show him. Once I did I turned the screen to him. "This is her. I'm sure she's on this plane. Please let me pass and get to her, please!" I was desperate.

He stared at the picture I showed him. "I'm genuinely sorry sir. I really haven't seen her. Are you sure she wants to go with this flight?" He asked and I nodded.

FORBIDDEN - AU Overhaul x Reader (Completed) +18Where stories live. Discover now