Chapter 34

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A/n: look at those tiddies 😩☝️


Chisaki Kai's POV:

On my way out of the building I met Kurono too who saw the frustration on my expression.

"Woah woah where are you going, Chisaki?" He questioned.

"(Y/n) is about to leave the country, I don't have time for this now sorry." I told him in a nutshell and left not wasting any more time on talking to him or anybody.

I practically ran to the parking lot and got inside my car as quick as I could. I didn't even care to change into my casual attire. I was still wearing my lab coat with my name card attached on it's chest, and my magnet card resting in my pocket.

I'm racing with the time now. If I won't get to the airport in time and find (y/n), I'm going to lose her forever.

I should have listened to Kurono and go back to her the day we were fighting and then all of this wouldn't have happened. She wouldn't be on her way to get on that plane, she would be between my arms instead.

"Come on..." I growled, waiting at a red light. All of those fucking traffic lights have to turn red when I'm hurrying...

The moment it turned green I stepped on the gas pedal. The wheels were squeaking by the sudden accelerating and I heard people shouting out fuck yous and son of a bitches from their car but I could care less. I must reach that fucking airport.

After a while I finally saw it in the distance and I hurried even more, stepping on the gas pedal as much as I could.

However a police car came and I had to stop. I parked the car next to the sidewalk and waited.

Are you serious... You really fucking had to show up now when this is a dead or alive situation...

The police officer knocked on my car window and I rolled it down for him.

"Good morning sir. Do you know why I stopped you?"

"Good morning... I do know I went a bit too fast than what's permitted." I replied, trying not to roll my eyes. I tapped my fingers and my foot on the steering wheel and the floor nervously.

I really don't have time for this fucking shit now...

"Please show me your driver and traffic license." He requested and I handed it to him. "Hm." He scoffed. "Doctor huh? Dr Chisaki, may I ask the reason why you drove so fast? You might risk other people's lives. You should know it the most since you are a doctor. Aren't I right?"

"Please sir, I'm really in a hurry. If I don't reach that airport in time I will lose someone important to me forever." I tried to be as polite as I could but I was fucking nervous. No, not because of the police. I don't give a shit about that. Rather because of her...

"Is that so? Well the police doesn't really care about lovers."

I gripped onto the steering wheel to hold myself back from punching him in the face and drive away.

Why... Why now...

"Hey, what's taking so long?" I heard a familiar voice coming our way.

"Nemoto?" I stared at him.

"Oh hey, Chisaki! What are you doing here?" He smiled at me, fixing his glasses.

"You know him?" The asshole police officer asked him.

"Yes, sure. He's a very good friend of mine and he's the chief physician in the hospital." He told him.

"Dr Overhaul?" His eyes widened.

FORBIDDEN - AU Overhaul x Reader (Completed) +18Where stories live. Discover now