I watch her lift the present up, checking it's weight. She takes a deep breath and starts unwrapping. I bite down on my lip at process of getting that present. I have to tell her. Her jaw drops as she sees the shape of the case. "You did not..." she trails off. I smile and said,"Oh I did, now open the case."

She grins as she slowly opens the case. Her eyes widen as she puts her hands over her mouth and gasps. She sets the guitar down beside her, gets up, and tackles me down with a giant tight hug. "Thank you so much Lu," she mumbles,"Thank you thank you thank you." I laugh and give her a small squeeze.

"You deserve it," I said rubbing her back.

Tell her.

We pull apart and she takes her guitar and sits right beside me. "It's a black Gibson Hummingbird too. So shiny and clean," she murmurs while running her fingers up and down the neck of the guitar.

Tell her now.

"Yeah..." I said softly. She stops feeling her guitar and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

Do it Lucas.

"It's not new, Lynn," I pause. Her reaction didn't change surprisingly. "I bought it used from my cousin because I couldn't afford a brand new one. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. I replaced the strings and the pegs. Then cleaned the whole guitar. I even tuned it for you too." Jocelynn's eyes haven't left mine which made me a bit nervous. She then laces her hand with mine and gives it a small squeeze followed by a gentle smile.

"Does it look like I care that it was used?" I shake my head. "I still love it, Lu! I'll take whatever you give me and use it with a lot of care. Like our friendship," she smiles. I blink rapidly for a second to take in what just came out from her mouth. I swore my heart stopped.

"Here, this is your present," she says handing me two penguin wrapped presents. with a white ribbon on top of both. "You should open the box first," she suggests pointing at the medium sized box. I remove the ribbon and start ripping the wrapping paper to a point where an imagine of a camera shows. Not just any camera. A canon 70d camera!

"You can finally make videos of you singing now. Or take pictures or blog or whatever your heart desires with a camera." I smile big just looking at it. I take it out from it's box and give it a feel.

"Oh my gosh," I mouth. I set it down on the coffee table and went in to hug Jocelynn, but she backed away.

"Don't thank me until you open the second one. Hold on, let me get my laptop," she said heading up her ladder to the second floor. I pick up my camera again and turn it on. I look through the camera lens, gasping at the image though it.


I jump backwards as Lynn starts laughing. "Ah, never gets old. Hey! We should take your first picture on there!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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