"Heya Cassie, no gang today. I brought my girlfriend, y/n with me instead," he responded.

Cassie's smile fell into a disappointed expression. "Too bad. Will you tell Sodapop I said hi?"

Ponyboy laughed "Yeah I will. Can we get changed in the bathrooms?"

"Anything for a Curtis brother," she said kindly and handed him the key.

After getting changed, y/n walked out the bathroom, in her new swimsuit. She was carrying her clothes in a neat pile.

"I can take them and keep them here behind the counter for you if you want, honey," Cassie said.

Y/n was surprised be her kindness. "Oh, sure thanks,"

The girl behind the counter reached out for the pile of clothes, but then hesitated. "Your face is really familiar,"

Y/n smiled. "Well, I've been told I look like Dally. He's my cousin,"

Cassie was a bit confused. How come Dallas let Ponyboy date his kid cousin? She shrugged it off and put her clothes on a shelf, beside Ponyboy's.

Ponyboy was standing outside, smoking a weed. He was wearing a blue pair of drawstring swim trunks. Y/n was taken aback when she saw her boyfriends abs. "Damn stud, you've been working out," she thought to herself.

Ponyboy stubbed out his cancer stick and disrupted y/n's staring.

"So the bikini fits I assume," he smiled and whistled. Y/n hit his arm playfully as they walked down to the lake. Y/n waded into the water enough so that she could dunk her head under.

When she came back up to the surface and turned around, she could see Ponyboy struggling to go in a few feet.

"You coming in or not?" y/n asked.

"I-It's c-cold," Ponyboy fake chattered his teeth.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "You're a big baby,"

She splashed him with water which shocked him. Ponyboy wiped his face.

"Oh you're getting it," he said and ran in after her.


Ponyboy and Y/n were sitting down on the picnic blanket, wrapped in towels and eating cake. 'I Can't Get No Satisfaction' by The Rolling Stones was playing on the radio.

Y/n was filling in Ponyboy on everything that happened while he was delerious.

"I still can't believe you broke Angie Shepard's nose," he laughed.

"Yeah, she deserved it though," y/n sighed and took a sip of coke. The girl looked at the lake and saw a duck floating around the there.

Ponyboy looked at y/n's face and took a deep breath.

"Do you know what's crazy? The fact that I've literally known you for a month," he said.

"What do you mean? Why's it crazy?" y/n smiled.

"You do realise that not alot of girls would be able to stand getting jumped twice, their boyfriend being an accessory to a murder, get interrogated by the cops, run into a burning building (which lands them in hospital), get grounded for 2 weeks, see their friend die, save their cousin from getting killed, and having to speak in a court hearing. Yet you did all that and you still insist on staying with the guy who dragged you through all of it," Ponyboy argued.

Y/n smiled. Damn, she really did all those things."You couldn't have known that all of those things were gonna happen," she put her hand on Ponyboys face and brought it to look at hers.

Ponyboy cracked a smile. "Look at you still trynna reassure me. You stayed up with me all night when I was sick and not thinking straight and you're always there to pick me up when I'm down. You're the best I'm ever gonna have," he started.

Y/n started to protest but Pony cut her off."Y/n Winston, I love you,"


"I love you and I'll tell anyone that wants to hear it or not," he smiled.

Y/n could feel her heartbeat and she swore it grew a size or two. This boy she was able to call hers. He went through all this trouble just to tell her that. As she looked up at him, she swore his smile started to fade. Shit, he was waiting on an answer.

"Oh my god. You're doubting it, aren't you?" she smiled. "Ponyboy Curtis, you do realise that I wouldn't do all those things you said for just anyone? I love you too. I think I always have,"

Ponyboy's grin quickly returned as he took her face and kissed her. All of their fears and doubts had disappeared in one afternoon, it was great. They were the only keeping each other held together in the past few madness-filled weeks.

                       THE END

A/N: thank you guys so much for reading all 57 chapters of this fic. I wrote this when I was like 11 or 12 so I can't believe people still read this.

Also, I am currently updating my Darry Curtis fanfic if you're looking for something else to read. I PROMISE the writing, plot and plot continuity is MUCHH better than in this xx

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