chapter one: Moving to Forks

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Hello my name is Nicole Rosalie Swan I am seventeen years old I live in Florida with my mum Renee and my stepdad Phil

When I was just four years old my mum and dad Charlie split  up so me and my mum moved to Florida were we live in a two bedroom house. Two years later my mum meet Phil with in the last five years of living in Florida my mum and Phil got married. Ever since my mum and Phil got married they have been thinking about going on the road for abit and I did not want to go with them. So I have been thinking about moving in with my dad Charlie and his wife sue and their  two kids Henary and Danielle who I have not meet yet but have seen photos of them both. Henary and Danielle are both four years old as they are twins. Henary has short brown hair and blue eyes and Danielle has long blonde hair and blue eyes. When i phoned my dad Charlie to ask him if i could go and live with him sue and the kids he said that they would love for me to come and live with them so I hung up the phone and went  and told my mum and Phil what my dad Charlie said. When I finished telling them me and Phil went to the airport to book a flight to Seattle then went back home and ordered pizza for tea after I finisher my pizza I went to bed early. The next morning we all spent packing every think away as we all would be leaving for the airport in the afternoon. When we all got to the airport we said our good byes and I went and got onto the plane and listened to my music. When the plane landed in Seattle I got off the plane and saw my dad waiting for me I gave him a hug then we went to go get my bags and then went to his car to go home. As we pulled up out side the house sue and the twins come out the front door so I got out of the car and gave sue and the twins a hug. As I was hugging the twins sue said tea was ready so dad got my bags and we all went into the house to have tea. After tea I helped sue with the dishes when we were done i told everyone good night and went up to bed.

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