The Super Smash Fighters Tournament or S.S.F.

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Dbroha: Welcome to the fighting Tournament Called Super Smash Fighters or S.S.F We Are Your Announcers

Dbroha: I'm Dbroha and this is my girlfriend Annabelle

Annabelle: Hi

Dbroha: The very best Fighter will win A Trophy This PS5 and 155'000'000'000 Dollars

Dbroha: round one is Tails Vs Atomic Betty

Annabelle: round two is Sparky Vs Sonic

Dbroha: round 3 is X-5 Vs Kunckles

Annabelle: round 4 is Eggman vs Batman

Dbroha: round 5 is the winners of Rounds 1 & 2 against each other

Annabelle: round 6 is the winners of rounds 3 & 4 against each other

Dbroha: round 7 is the winners of rounds 5 & 6 against each other

Annabelle: whoo hooo

Dbroha: Ready D-Fans?

D-Fans: We are ready

Dbroha: let's get this event started

Round 1

Atomic Betty was relaxing until she heard a explosion Go Off

Atomic Betty: What was that?

Atomic Betty: I better Go investigate

When Atomic Betty Got there she Saw a fox with two twin tails

Tails: well that was easy I can finally relax

Atomic Betty: Stop right there Criminal!

Tails: I am not a criminal

Tails then gets shot in the arm by a laser by Atomic Betty's watch

Atomic Betty: Bring it on!


Atomic Betty kicks Tails in the knee making it bleed

Tails then uses his energy ball arm cannon to fire 5 balls of electricity at Atomic Betty

Atomic Betty misses Two of them

But gets hit by the other 3

Tails then hits her arm with the magic hand

Tails then uses his two tails and bombs in a combo

The Bombs then Detonate in Atomic Betty's Face

Atomic Betty: You will not get away with this

Tails then flys up really really really high then drops Atomic Betty

Atomic Betty Then hits the ground

Tails then does a combo of punches kicks spinballs and Spindases on Atomic Betty weakening her legs

Atomic Betty: I can't take anymore


Tails: You Suck!

Tails Wins

Round 2

Sonic was relaxing until a green alien hit him

Sparky: Fight Me


Sonic: okay then try to keep up

Sonic then hits combos of Punches and Kicks on Sparky

Sparky then threw a bomb at Sonic's Face

And The Bomb Detonated in Sonic's Face

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