Chapter 8: What Happened

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I just stood there for a second, processing what Leo had just said. He remembered what happened to him. I told him to come inside, and I walked over to the refrigerator to get us both a can of Mountain Dew. He walked in, rubbing his arms from the chilly night air, and looked around. His big, round brown eyes took everything in. I could tell from his facial expression that he was calculating, thinking of ways to improve the place, and admiring the things that he would have done himself. In that way, he was sort of like Annabeth.

I walked over to the couch with both cans, and opened them. I heard the satisfying crisp sound as Leo came and sat down. He opened his mouth to speak, but faltered, and to cover it up, he took a sip of the Mountain Dew. "Its okay if you need some time," I said. "Ugh no," he said rubbing his forehead, "I... I'm good to tell the story." He took another drink of the Mountain Dew and began.

"You know that whenever I tried to remember something, I would get like a super painful headache. So I, being the genius that I am, started writing things down whenever I remembered something. Even if it was a small detail like dirt in my face or a dark night sky. The headaches weren't as painful when I only remembered small parts of the night. So eventually I had all these bits and pieces of the story all out of order, and messed up, so I did what I do best. I built the story. In the order that I thought the little pieces went. When I was done, the whole story came back to me, and I thought my skull was literally about to explode," he made the exploding head hand motion with the sound effect and kept drinking his Mountain Dew.

"The headache went away after like, an hour, but now I know the whole story," Leo rubbed his eyes and he looked exhausted. But he kept talking. "So I had been walking to my cabin from Bunker 9, and I saw someone. It was Evan. He was talking to this hooded person, and this hooded guy was all dark and mega scary. I didn't hear their conversation though, I was too far away. It didn't really seem like something good was happening here, so I went to shout out at them. But then they guy in the hood looked straight at me, and I couldn't even see anything under his hood. It was really creepy, man. Then, I remember falling, and hitting the ground, and like I said before, the dirt in my face. And then, nothing."

I sighed. I knew that Evan was helping Gaea but I couldn't rely independently on my dreams. Now I know that he is not on our side of the upcoming war for sure. "I had a dream a little while ago that Evan was helping Gaea. But now, I know for sure. He's helping the enemy, and he's hurting people. Which is not okay," I said to Leo.

"Wait," Leo said, "Gaea? The mother of Earth that got a major butt whooping from the camps? (WARNING BoO SPOILER: I started writing this before the Blood of Olympus came out, so in this story Leo didn't sacrifice himself or go get Calypso or anything. Sorry.) That everybody... especially Percy, worked so hard to get rid of? She's not dead?" I took the last gulp of the Mountain Dew left in my can and stood up to throw out my can along with Leo's empty one. "I know," I said, "It sucks."

"Well what are we supposed to do about it?" Leo asked. I led him over to the door and opened it. "Look," I said, "I think we should just get some sleep and we'll figure something out tomorrow." I could tell that Leo needed it. He had huge bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. He was all greasy and dirty, although I guess that's normal for him. He said goodnight and left. I closed the door, and sighed. Nobody at this camp deserved this. The hatred I felt towards Evan was growing inside of me before, but now I just felt like I was going to explode. My fists were shaking and I was sweating.

I turned around and punched the wall. I punched it as hard as I could, and my fist went through the painted wood. I pulled it out, and punched the wall again. I kept punching it, and some of the ferocious anger was gone. But I was still angry. I walked only two steps, and the sink in our kitchenette exploded. Water was everywhere. I went to the couch and sat down. And that's where I drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up, the sun was shining through the windows, so I knew it was daytime. I opened the door to look outside and saw everyone at breakfast. Everyone was silent and Chiron was speaking so I knew that he must be saying something important.

I got to the Hades table without anyone noticing me. They were all focused on what Chiron was saying. I sat down and leaned over to Alpha. "What is Chiron talking about?" I asked him. "Evan went missing last night. Between this and what happened to Leo, Chiron is kind of freaking out," he said. I looked over in Leo's direction, and he caught my gaze. Evan had escaped.

"I would like to call a meeting with all of the cabin counselors and the Chaos soldiers," Chiron announced, "Be there in five minutes." He trotted away. Leo walked over to me. "What are we supposed to do now?" he said. "I don't know," I replied. Evan got away. And who knows what he's planning. __________________________________________________________

I'm so sorry, I didn't even notice how long it's been since my last update, but at least I tried to make it pretty long. Even though it's probably not even that long. 😕 So I'm sorry. But yeah, here's chapter eight, remember to vote and comment if you liked it! Does anybody else write on their computer? Because my wattpad is being super glitchy and annoying on my computer. Is anyone else's like this?


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