Chapter 2 - Coffee Coffee Coffee

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Something about me you should know, I hate Mondays with a passion.

So  I woke up, I really wasn't in the mood to throw on any cute clothes.  I kept on the sweatshirt I slept on (which is my older brothers red state soccer tournament that's so big I have to roll the sleeves up and it goes down to my knees), pulled on a pair of leggings that I deeply wished were lulus, threw my hair into a messy bun and slid on a pair of white tennis shoes I got from Walmart two years ago.

And that, my friends, is basically what I wore everyday. Now just uh, picture me taking a bow.

I grabbed an apple, yelling at my brother, William, to hurry his ass up so he could drive us to school. Willie was notorious for being late, while I was a stickler about time. It caused some real issues, especially when he didn't get up until the time school started so I'd take his keys and drive myself to school.

He got particularly mad when that happened.

1) because I was driving his car and his car was his baby, although it was really a piece of total shit. It was $700 and only worked about half of the time. But because our parents were broke, William saved up all the money on his own.

I never really had that kind of motivation.

Oh yeah, and 2) he had no ride to school.

"William!" I shouted again, hearing some movement upstairs. School was a ten minutes drive, and right now we had exactly ten minutes until class started.

"WILLIAM!" I screamed in frustration, and that's when he came rushing down the stairs.

"Geez sis, chill the fuck out," he said, rolling his eyes as he swiped his keys off the hook. My brother was a senior at the high school, so that meant next year I'd probably be taking the bus to school. Love that for me.

We headed out the door, locking it behind us. As we walked to the car door, my stomach churned as I heard another screen door slam shut. I didn't look, hoping if I just ignored it I would have only imagined it. Maybe if I never look over there, nothing will happen. Maybe it was somebody else's screen door. Maybe it was an animal, or the nice lady across the road. Maybe it was her screen door. Maybe (hopefully) it never happened at all and I'm just losing my mind. Maybe-


I screamed, almost jumping out of my fucking skin as I fell flat on my ass. Which fucking hurt because of the cracked cement of our stupid driveway. As you probably can tell, I was extremely irritated. It was a Monday, I was going to be late to school, my brother was an ass, I was still broke, and to top it all off...

"Il mio cuore," he smirks down at me, one hand extended out towards me. I scowl at him, swatting his hand away and getting up on my own. I wiped off the dust on my leggings, a frown now etched onto my face for the rest of the morning. My mood had dramatically shifted, going from slightly okay to just plain pissed off. Okay, so maybe it didn't dramatically shift, but it was enough to ruin my morning. Or at least the drive to school.

Because standing there in all his (not-so) glory, was Everest Blue.

And he was smirking like every other cliché douchebag ever to exist.

He was wearing some black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, a maroon sweatshirt, and fucking sunglasses. See, he even dressed like a douche. Seriously, what the hell do people see in him? It's cloudy out for Pete's sake and he has sunglasses on!

Who even is Pete anyway?

Everest's hair was just as dark as always, and as usual messy and untamed. I couldn't help but compare it to his brother's perfect (in my opinion at least) golden blonde hair that I was dying to run my hands through. Everest's hair was a little longer, a little wilder. But Oliver had his hair buzzed shorter on the sides, and a little bit longer on top. Oliver's style (for hair at least) was an every-hair-in-place-haircut-once-a-week hairstyle that literally couldn't have been more perfect. And even though their hair was different, their eyes were the most striking difference for me.

Oliver's eyes were this beautiful bright blue, like the sky on a cloudless day. They were so unbelievably blue that they seemed to shine brighter than anybody else's. But Everest's were a dark, dark brown that most would just call black. They would darken even more when he was angry, and they would turn light, almost brown, when he was happy. Their eyes seemed to match each of their personalities, contrasting deeply and yet somehow still alike. They were the extremes of two very different personas, and their eyes seemed to portray this perfectly. The one trait Everest shared with his biological brother was his freaking magical tan skin. I swear, those boys had never had a blemish in their entire lives. Their skin was perfect, a trait both of them had inherited from their mother. A trait I was insanely jealous of.

"Ohhh I'm Everest and I can speak Spanish," I muttered, giving him the coldest glare I could muster. Everest merely chuckled darkly to himself, his lips twitched into just the beginnings of a smile. His eyes were looking off into the distance, the smugness shining off of him almost in rays like he was the smug sun. He was satisfied he was able to scare me. Bastard.

"It's Italian, Moonshine," he murmured softly, turning to shoot me one of his famous smiles.

This is when almost every other girl in the school would swoon, their knees would get weak and all wobbly and their stomach would do flip flops. They would lose the ability to talk and think straight, completely captivated by his beautiful eyes (exceptttt Everest is wearing sunglasses) and that perfect face... and those dimples...

I would've known, of course. It was exactly how I felt about his brother.

Of course, Everest didn't actually have dimples. Oliver had dimples. Ev had a dent in his upper cheek that only showed when he smiled. It disguised itself very well as a dimple, but I know he got it from falling down some stairs when he was a toddler.

"Moonshine isn't my name," I grumbled, jumping into the backseat of the car. Everest just slid into the passenger seat, exchanging some weird guy handshake with my brother. Did I mention? Everest was basically best friends with my brother.

"Hey what's up man-"

"Just fucking go already," I whined, looking at the time. Willie scoffed, but pulled out of the driveway nonetheless.

We had five minutes to get to school, not counting traffic and the coffee stop we were now DEFINITELY going to make. 

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