Chapter 1

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To get things clear I live with my friend Mary in a apartment.
Since my mom died when I was 4 , I had no other choice than to move in with my dad. FYI my parents were divorced,
but he had a another woman that I never liked 'Sarah', that lived with him.She was mean to me when my dad wasn't home, she acts like she loves me in front of him,She always made me do all he house work. So I ran away without telling them,threw my window.Which I was 16. But am 17 right now.
I didn't have a real mom that i trusted, i felt do alone,but I have to be strong and go on with my life.


So yeah, here I am looking for a job, to maintain me and my friend.
Were driving to go and get a coffee.
"Y/n do you think we will ever find a job" she said while sitting down in the passenger seat looking outside the window
"We will we just need to look more" I said
"We need to earn those 100 dollars to buy our groceries" she said
"I know" I said I got more worried now cause we also need to pay our rent and we haven't even got a half of it!!
When we got there, we got off and went to order.
"Hi, what can I get you too lovely girls today" the cashier said
It was a boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes
"Yes can I get two coffees please" I said with a smile
He looked deep in my eyes while I told him.
I handed him the money, but stopped me and and said
"Its on me " he said with a wink
"Thanks" my friend said
While we picked our seat I saw a stack of newspaper
"Hey let's get one so we could see if there's any jobs" I said
As we sat down I opened the newspaper. A few minutes later I saw a something that caught my eyes

"Looking for maid or waitress to hire!! In a mansion to clean,cook, and to follow orders
$200 Mon-Fri paychecks every Saturday...

HEYY Guys!! I hope you like my first chapter, sorry its short, I did my best for y'all to like it!!
Chapter 2 tomarrow!!<3

DulCe xoxo

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