lxxii. federal agents

Start from the beginning

The news obviously being displayed, J.J's face was on the screen, his glare firm and intense.

"Spider menace! Governments around the world launch investigations into the murderer known as Spider-Man, A.K.A Peter Parker, A.K.A the web-headed war criminal! Who, for years, has been terrorising the decent citizens of New York. Well, now this city and the world sees him for what he truly is!"

After that speech, a video of Peter was being shown. He was standing in the middle of the street, wearing his Spider-Man suit as a random citizen threw what looked to be green slime all over him.

Then, the screen flickered to another news reporter.

"New details from last weeks devastating attack in London have emerged. For more, we go now to Joint Intelligence headquarters."

The screen then flashed to a different news reporter, once again.

"Authorities, just a short while ago, confirmed that the deadly drones used in the London attack were designed by Stark Industries-"

Then, unexpectedly and all of a sudden, loud banging and knocking was heard from the front door, along with firm and intimidating yelling.

"Federal Agents! Open up!"

Almost immediately, the three flinched, looking like they had literally just seen a ghost. They all certainly didn't expect that one, anyway.

"Federal A-?"

"You two stay here!" May interrupted.

She then forced herself off the couch, placing a hand in front of the two teenagers in order to prevent them from answering the front door. She then approached the front door with caution and hesitation.

Reaching the front door, she placed her hand onto the door handle and pulled the door open, only to reveal a group of agents, who were standing on the other side of the doorframe.

These agents looked to be somewhat intimidating, especially with all of the door knocking and extreme yelling. One of them held up a badge, proving that he was indeed an agent.

"Department of Damage Control, we have a warrant for the arrest of Peter Parker." He stated.

Peter and Noah watched from afar, both of them probably shaking out of anxiety and stress. They didn't ask for any of this to happen. They just wanted to be left alone, especially Peter.

"You know the fourth amendment?" May uttered. "Unreasonable search and seizure-"

"Alright, get in here, guys!" The agent at the front interrupted. "Let's go!"

As he spoke, him and his fellow agents shoved May out of the way as they entered the apartment without any kind of permission whatsoever.

The three were completely frozen in place, now knowing that they definitely couldn't do much about the situation at this point.

It was all just fucking chaos.

It was all just fucking chaos

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AUTHORS NOTE — i just rewatched nwh

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AUTHORS NOTE — i just rewatched nwh

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