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3rd Prologue

Aizawa was passed out on the floor; Sleeping in his sleeping bag as usual. He just got done expelling an entire class. He wasn't sleeping to sleep off the guilt nor the joy of doing what he had to do. He was just tired like always. The only reason he woke up was due to the sound of someone knocking nonstop on his door. It got to the point he couldn't ignore the annoying sound. He let out a frustrated grumble noises the began slithering, yes slithering, towards his front door. Luckily the person was patient just kept knocking at the door. Aizawa finally decided to get out of sleeping bag entirely and stumbled up on to his feet. He unlocked his front door then opened it. For a second he thought no one was there that was until he looked down.

There stood a young black girl. Her puffy hair styled into pom poms on top of her head. She was also wearing a hello Kitty dress with some cute shoes with a bow on top of each shoe.

"Good day sir", she greeted them lift the tissue box out towards him. Aizawa just let out a hum taking the tissue box from her. "I am Lady Y/n, I shall be taking residence in the house to the right of your home", Y/n stated. Aizawa blinked tiredly the looked over. There was no moving truck nor any parents walking around. The tissue box that was handed to him was covered in a Hello Kitty design.

"She looks five", Aizawa thought. "Your parents told you to hand these out", he questioned looking back down at the little girl. Y/n just shook her head.

"I am currently the only household member", she answered. "You're a little young to be owning a home in your own", Aizawa stated. "How rude, I am very mature for my age", she fussed. "That doesn't matter", he sighed. "You should not be speaking to a queen way sir...", she trailed off. "...Aizawa", he answered. "Splendid name now I must be taking my leave now, nice meeting you Sir Aizawa", she said then bowed towards him before walking away off his property. Aizawa stepped out from his house to watch her. Y/n walked past her home towards the other neighbor's house.

Aizawa stood there trying to figure out if this was a dream or not. Probably not he doesn't dream very much anymore.


    Aizawa was just getting back home from patrol. Since he expelled all of class 1A so he has to do patrol until new ones are enrolled. He was rubbing this eyes as he turned the corner and began waking the sidewalk up to his house. When he removed his hands he saw Y/n standing in front of the door.

      "You come home rather late Sir Aizawa", y/n stated standing up and dusting her skirt off. "What are you doing out here", he questioned. "I request to use your tv, my won't be coming sadly and I need to catch up on the news", Y/n explained. "You watch the news", Aizawa questioned. "Indeed I am mature for my age, now let us enter your home before it's too late", she said. Aizawa just let our a sigh while wiping his face with his hand. He walked forward while pulling his keys out from his pockets then put-on the key hole and unlocked the door. He held the door open for Y/n who quickly stepped inside. 

         "Juts walk though there and you'll get to the living room", Aizawa said while closing the door. "Why am I doing this", he questioned internally his eyes feeling heavy.

          "Sir Aizawa no offense, but your home needs a deep cleaning", Y/n commented kicking a empty pack of ramen aside. "Just hurry and watch the news", Aizawa grumbled. "Very well I will be quick", Y/n answered then entered the living room area. Aizawa followed after her.  He sat down on the couch filled with some wrappers and plastic bags. He found the remote and turned the tv on, it was luckily already on the news. Aizawa placed the remote on the small coffee table in front of him. He leaned on his hand watching the news along with Y/n. Y/n was sitting right in front of the tv screen. 

          "You'll mess up your eyes like that", Aizawa yawned. She didn't answer just nodded her head and remained in her spots. Aizawa let out a tired sigh and began dozing off to sleep. His eyes slowly began blinking closed. On the third blink his eyes snapped open when he saw the news channel was now on a cartoon show. 

             "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS", the character shouted. It was some kind of princess in an outfit similar to sailor moon just shiner and the skirt was longer. 

             "MUHAHAHA YOU SHALT NOT GET ME THIS TIME QUEEN AHAVA", the villain cackled. "YES I WILL FOR I AM A QUEEN", she retorted. "And we get the job done and always protect everyone around us", the character and Y/n said in sync. Aizawa had to squint his eyes from how bright the tv screen was, it was. really colorful cartoon to the point it hurts people's eyes. 

            "I thought you were just watching the news", Aizawa questioned. Y/n snapped her head back to him. She turned back around grabbing the remote and turned the tv off. 

            "I will be off then", she said walking towards the living room exit. Anyone could tell she was upset by having to turn the cartoon off. Aizawa let out a loud sigh causing her to stop.

             "Wake me up when your finish", he said resting his head on his fist again. Y/n turned around in lighting speed and ran back to her spot. She turned the tv on quickly to continue watching her cartoon. Even with the loud obnoxious noise Aizawa was able to catch some sleep until she was done watching his tv. Once she was finished he made sure she got back home. 


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