The Champ is Here

Start from the beginning

His gimmick was not hard to figure out. "Aren't they milking this a bit?" I asked no one in particular.

Colette was happy to answer, "That's the best part!" she screamed into my ear.

After this newbie made his way around the ropes the arena fell silent. The lights suddenly shut off and caused the fans to scream with joy. A single spotlight appeared in the middle of the ring. To my left Bull mumbled, "Here we go."

The announcer's voice became melodic. "And now... the moment you've all been waiting for." Before he began I caught the subtle tune of a guitar in the distance. "Folks... they say his fists are fast as lightning." When I heard the beginning my eyes grew wide. There's no way. "His biceps are said to be tougher than stone." I slowly turned to Bull. "And for all you ladies. His smile is told to be brighter than any diamond."

My mouth was wide open, "Oh you dramatic man-child." Bull just chuckled at my passive aggression.

Then came the guitar. It was a beautiful procession of complex cords layered with simple strings in between. The announcer boomed, "He's your Starr Park Champion! The TITAN of Wrestling." At that line, a massive pillar of flames erupted from the stage. The size of the pyre illuminated the arena. I was able to finally see who was causing these theatrics. One yellow skeleton rocked out on the guitar, while a Hispanic female blew pyrotechnics from her lungs.

But I also caught a glimpse of something new. A body balled up on the ground between them. It looked like a massive collection of muscle in a tight sphere. Colette must have seen it as well as she squealed alongside all the other fangirls in attendance.

Now that I had seen the full trio, I understood.


It must be...


The light exploded to full color as Amber ignited the sky. Her flames were accented by a grand band of brass instruments. The lead was a set of trumpets that blasted away my mental fortitude.

Arising from the falling embers was the massive frame of Starr Park's Professional Wrestling Champion. I couldn't see him well but I could make out the definition in his body even from this distance. I could tell he works out.

But I would soon be working out my eardrums as they were stress-tested by this audience. The caliber of screams they achieved dwarfed their previous display during Poco and Amber's joint show. I swear Colette was jumping so much I could catch sneak peeks at her right eye beneath her bang. And if it had not been for my scarf, she would have jumped the barricade as well. The only person that wasn't losing their mind was Bull, but I assume that on the inside he's excited based on how he talked about this guy.

When I was able to focus ahead again I was surprised to see El Primo making a trip around the perimeter of the barricade. He was currently on our right and quickly coming our way. He was high-fiving and shaking the hands of his fans while Poco and Amber waited at the ramp base.

When he arrived at our section, Primo took special care to give Colette an extra big slap on her palm. The way she screeched made me blackout for a moment. Even El Primo had to clean out a masked ear at her outburst. But beneath that blue mask he still gave her a warm smile. When he saw me he sent a thumbs up. I guess he wasn't fazed by how miserable I looked. That, or he was more focused on my left.

El Primo stood still when he got in front of Bull. They were both massive. Now that he was face-to-face with us I knew his true stature. The duo stood well over six and a half feet. They shared similar builds though I assumed that where Primo sported tight abs, Bull had a thick stomach mad for powerlifting. A duo as powerful as them could move mountains.

Bull had a stern glare. His massive pompadour cast a shadow on his face adding to his grim glare. The crowd began to hush themselves when Primo reached a hand above his head. Bull's response was a simple smirk as the two clasped their hands together. I felt the air pressure push my hair aside from the smack. And while the two stood comparing their strengths, the crowd began to roar once more.

The announcer chimed in, "Look at that folks. Even the Mighty Brawling Buffalo Bull respects the champ. Such is the legend of El Primo!"

The wording of that felt odd. Respects? Why would it be a big deal for Bull to respect him? Primo walked off to finish his greetings but I was still too focused on my inner monologue.

If El Primo being acknowledged by Bull is important, that must be because Bull is a brawler. And since he's such a powerful physical fighter, then El Primo must be a strong fighter as well. I was so caught up in my personal questions I couldn't react to Colette's constant feinting than immediate revivals. The task of catching her was outsourced to my scarf. I needed to think.

If Bull respects El Primo he must be strong. But only a Brawler could be as strong as Bull. So why was it such a big deal for Bull to respect him? Why did the announcer point it out?

Then it hit me.


The bell dinged signaling the beginning of the main event. And unknowingly, it signified a stunning realization. One that I said out loud but was drowned out by an electric crowd in the night.

"Is El Primo... not a Brawler?"

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