The Champ is Here

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It'd been another hour since the previous debacle. I was still positioned between Colette and Bull. Now it was a bit less coincidental and more consequential. I wasn't jealous or anything. I just knew that Colette wouldn't be able to keep her cool if she was sitting directly beside the diner boss.

During that hour I did my best to look elsewhere than at Colette. The location I chose just so happened to be the arena ahead. And as I stared on I started to learn. The rules of a match, the dynamics of the characters, and the appeal of the absurdity. For anyone who participates in actual combat sports, it looks like a joke. But if you just enjoy seeing people get hurt. I guess it has its appeal.

My scarf wasn't even trying to hide its magical properties anymore. It blatantly passed my drink which I slurped on absently. Then came the alarming ring of the bell. Another match done, another fighter down, and another round of cheers and jeers from the audience.

Maybe it was the atmosphere, or maybe it was my boredom. But I mumbled out, "I could take 'em," as the victor made his way back to the makeshift tents.

I thought my passive statement went under the radar. But Bull's massive head had gargantuan ears to boot. He gave a glorious guffaw before bellowing, "I used to say that too!" He fought back a tear while clutching at his biceps. "That is... until I met him."

Here we go again.

Bull let got of his crossed grip. "With fists-" the force of his fist clenching made a nice pop- "faster than lighting." He showed off his broad arms and flexed, "Biceps harder than stone." Were veins supposed to bulge that much? And then he turned to us. "And a smile brighter than diamonds." I couldn't tell if the glare was from his golden nose ring or his pearly whites.

I tried to ask, "What are you-"

"He's the champion of Starr Park."

"Oh, I'm being ignored. Okay."

"The Titan of Wrestling." How long is he going to go on for? "And a Hometown Hero across the globe. He's..." He stopped short and chuckled to himself. "Well. I'll let the announcer have that honor."

I could feel a migraine forming. What was with these theatrics? It's like everyone within earshot had been bit by this wrestling bug. I mean it's obvious who he's talking about. I tried to turn away from his smarmy grin but I turned into the starry eyes of Colette. If I was frustrated with this absurd show, she adored it. She had her arms drooping below her waist and her jaw was slightly agape in wonder. Of course she was staring at Bull like the fangirl she was.

I had enough of this bad joke. "What is this?" Bull and Colette looked perplexed. "I mean seriously, what are you two doing. You both keep saying 'he' or 'him'. We all know who you're talking about. Just say-"

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" The announcer roared into the microphone.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me."

"YOU'VE WAITED AND NOW IT'S HERE. YOU'RE MAIN EVENT!" Colette and Bull turned their attention to the ring. Colette got out of her seat and almost jumped the barricade in her excitement. I on the other hand plopped back down in the cold steel. What a bunch of chimps.

The announcer shouted over the growing chants. "First. Our challenger." The floodlights dimmed a bit as some modern rock number blared from the cheap speakers they set up along the perimeter. "The newcomer. Hailing five-thousand miles south of China Town. He's got kicks stiffer than your daughter's grade-school ballet recital." A deep blue hue washed over the white matt. "With motions like water and as volatile as a cyclone. Give it up for, Toren Chell!"

The music that played was pretty generic. It didn't capture the character well nor did it ruin his entrance. I guess that's just the magic of this cheap trick. When I caught the guy's entrance I noticed how small he was. He couldn't have been much older than me. If I could see his face I'd have a better idea but the teal blue mask left all to my imagination. His tights were a matching mix of blue and green that swirled about around his thighs.

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