It was his first selfless act in so long, he actually felt like a good man for once.

"Do you feel any better?"

"A little bit," she mumbled. (Y/N) took a small bite of the piece of toast that Vader acquired for her in a local village. It wasn't hard, the population parted like the Red Sea when he came near. Nobody dared to cross him, nobody except for the woman in front of him. First, she was mouthy and pushed her limits, then she was saying his name while she was passed out? Who was she, and what did she know?

Vader promised himself he wouldn't think about any of that, but it was hard not to when she was the only thing that occupied his mind. He let out a long breath to adjust himself, trying to center his mind on the one thing he wanted to focus on. Spending time with (Y/N) for the last time.

"I'm sorry about earlier. Honestly, I was trying to scare you. I thought maybe then that you would run away and realize how bad I am to you."

His apology made her look at him like he had grown three heads, but her expression morphed into a smile shortly after.

"You could never scare me, I was just hungry." she said. She brought her hand up, and began to caress the side of his mask. He felt a strange feeling, her touch warmed him up even though she wasn't anywhere near touching his skin. His body was clad head to toe, yet her touch was able to send electric shocks throughout his whole body. He almost shivered at the contact, but he wanted to remain composed so she wouldn't remove her hand.

"When you feel stronger you should start to get ready for the ball. We should be leaving soon." he said softy. She nodded, removing her hand from his face and his body instantly froze at the lack of her touch. He almost sighed from the loss of contact, but his voice modulator would have made it sound suspicious.

She left, presumably to go to one of the quarters to get ready. Vader walked towards the back of the ship, to his quarters. On every ship, his quarters had an oxygen tank that he could breathe freely in. Equipped with a mirror as well, so he could keep track of his unruly appearance so being under the mask didn't get too uncomfortable.

He took a deep breath before turning the handle and entering the chambers. His lungs felt instant relief as he began to breathe in pure oxygen. He removed his mask, feeling even better as the oxygen entered his lungs from his nose and mouth. He breathed in deeply, enjoying the feeling of pure bliss. Even with the suit he was in constant pain, it was the Emperor's sick way of keeping him in line.

Vader walked over towards the mirror, and removed the cloth covering it. He took in a sharp breath as he looked at his appearance. "No." he said. "It's not possible."

His hair was as unruly as ever, he wasn't shaven so he had grown a bit of a stubble, he hadn't aged that much because of his Master's force manipulation, but there was one thing out of place. Instead of the menacing yellow with hints of red and amber tones, his eyes were a crystalline blue. A pure blue. A blue that reflected the color of hope, and his lightsaber.

"What have you done to me?" he asked the mirror. His comment, however, was directed at (Y/N). Without even realizing it, she brought Anakin Skywalker back from the dead. And Vader was terrified. He had to get rid of her, for both of their sakes. Not even just hers.

He placed the cloth back over the mirror, not wanting to stare at his reflection any longer. He took deep breaths, enjoying the feeling of breathing without the burning sensation he typically felt. With one last deep breath, he placed his helmet back over his head and exited the chamber. When he exited, the first thing he noticed was her.

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