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one last night



Vader looked over to the silhouette of his old (Y/N) looking down over his new (Y/N). Vader didn't answer her. "What are you doing here?" he asked plainly.

"You shut me out for a long time." she said. "A long eleven years, but now your walls are down." Vader looked at her for a moment, and really stared long and hard. It had been years since he had actually seen her face so clearly, but his subconscious' guilt and regret held a perfect image. From before she died.

"I'm sorry." Vader said, and he genuinely meant it. He wasn't a man that ever felt any remorse for his actions, quite the opposite actually. He enjoyed making people feel pain, it was only a sliver of compensation for all the pain he had endured throughout his entire life. "You're replacing me. Really, you have no need for me anymore."

Frankly, Vader was taken aback by what she said to him. "What?" he asked bluntly. "Your heart is beating for someone else, so I no longer live in the back of your mind. Your heart beat for the memory of me for a long time, but now you've found her." she said.

Vader stared at her, and tried to engrave the image of her into his mind. He had no photos, a blurry memory, and barely any recollection of his (Y/N) aside from his blue blade traveling through her torso. He enjoyed looking at a younger (Y/N) that was reflected in the memory that stood before him. He wanted to say something to her, but he couldn't find the words. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but if he did the reality would sink in. The woman standing in front of him wasn't real. It was just a memory, a figment of his imagination.

"I..." he tried to speak, but nothing came out. "You don't have to say anything." she said. She was slowly beginning to fade, and Vader felt a tear prick in the corner of his eye. "Why are you leaving me?" he finally croaked. "You'll understand, soon."

He was left with the cryptic message as she faded into the Naboo scenery. Vader wanted to break down a little on the inside. Even though he had someone else, he could never let the memory of her go. (Y/N) was far to precious to him, but there was nothing he could do. She was gone, for good this time.

Vader noticed that the (Y/N) on the ground began to stir, so he walked over to her and knelt on the ground next to her. "Are you alright?" he asked her softly. Seeing the image of his love always brought out the best in him, so even though he was angry at her for leaving the feeling didn't last long.

"Anakin..." she mumbled, and Vader froze. Anakin? His mind had to have been playing tricks on him. He hadn't heard that name spoken out loud to him—by a real person—in fifteen years. Although he probably shouldn't have, Vader chose to ignore it. He should have thought more about it, connected the pieces.

The only thing Vader wanted, however, was to enjoy one last night.

One last night of peace, because he had made a decision. If his liking of (Y/N) were to continue the Emperor would eventually find out. He would punish Vader, and kill (Y/N). Likely in front of Vader. So he wanted one final night, maybe even a night to hold her close. To enjoy her presence, one last time before he sent her away.

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