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OBI-WAN STROKED HIS BEARD, deep in thought. His brows were furrowed and the lines on his forehead and face were far more exaggerated than normal. He was under an immense amount of stress with their current situation.

Earlier, Padmé had contacted them. She proposed a plan that Ahsoka was all on board for. Obi-Wan, however, was quite skeptical.

Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Padmé were all gathered around a holotable. An hour prior, Leia was approved to start her training to be a General on the Death Star. They were gathered in Leia's new room, which turned out to be a spare room from a man who had died just hours earlier. The thought of inhabiting a dead man's room made Obi-Wan shiver. Padmé mentioned that it was normal on the Death Star. Someone dies, someone takes their place. It was like a life cycle but for Imperial troops.

Leia and Luke were sitting in the corner, paying no attention to the conversation that the adults were having around the holotable. Padmé had a map of the Imperial Palace pulled up on the table, and she was showcasing a few locations.

"...and these are where we're going to plant the bombs." Obi-Wan managed to gather when he zoned back in to the conversation. "The what?" Obi-Wan asked, hoping he merely heard her wrong. "The bombs." she repeated. He heard her correctly, they were thinking about planting bombs in the Imperial Palace. "How will this plan even work?" he asked.

"The Imperial Ball is tonight. Since I'm an Imperial Senator, I will have to make an appearance. It will be the perfect time to set the bombs off and play the victim. I know the blast radius, I'll stand in an area that I'll get some scrapes to not be suspicious but not seriously injured." she ran through her plan. "Padmé, you'll be harming innocent civilians. Even if we get rid of Vader, the Emperor will still be at large."

"This isn't about the Emperor, Obi-Wan." Ahsoka piped up. It was the first word he heard her say since the conversation began. She leaned forward on the table, observing the plans. "Then what is it about?" he asked. "It's about getting our revenge. On Vader."

"On Anakin," he corrected. "Vader." she pushed. "Anakin is still in there, Ahsoka. I know it."

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka's eyes clashed in a fit of rage. He could have sworn that he saw a flash of yellow, but he chose to ignore it. The past fifteen years had been trying times for people like them. For Jedi. Being hunted constantly was not easy, it eliminated any hope of having a family or even a life.

"Ahsoka, there are far more ways to get to Vader that don't involve killing innocent civilians." he argued. His argument was slowly becoming a plea as the realization that he could not sway the women came over him.

"We're going to kill to birds with one stone." Ahsoka laughed. Obi-Wan stared at the togruta in a skeptical manner. He tilted his head, trying to think about what she could be talking about. "Take a look." she threw a tablet onto his lap that had the news opened and sauntered off.

Obi-Wan stared at the tablet, noticing that it was the entrance to the Imperial Palace. The black walls were menacing, even though they were merely on camera. He stroked his beard, unsure of what Ahsoka meant by showing him the tablet.

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