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Miriam POV:

Just another day at school. Another few hours of my life being wasted away locked up in a prison. I can't even listen to music! Do you know how sad life is without music? Especially 4 town! I don't know how anyone could live without them!

Anyway, I can't wait to see my friends again. They're the only people who manage to get me through the day.

I have 4 main friends, Priya, Abby, Tyler and Mei. We started hanging out with Tyler recently as we realised he was a 4 Townie! It was so weird at first but we managed to reach a common ground and got used to it.

I'm glad I have my friends with me now. I don't know what I would've done without them. When Mei threw us under the bus a few weeks ago, I was furious that she took her mom's side rather then her friends- even though her mom was wrong.

I was tempted to not be friends with her anymore. I mean, her mom didn't like me, (and it's obvious she still doesn't)even though I help Mei with EVERYTHING. She had taken her mom's side multiple times before but that was my last straw.

When she found us at the concert and tried to be friends with us again I faltered a bit and I accepted her apology after Robaire Jr. Started beeping his head off.

I'm happy I made that choice though, I don't think I would've made it this far without her. She's my best friend and has been since we were little kids.

I could live without the others but if I wasn't hanging out with Mei anymore my heart would shatter.

You see lately, I've been having these weird feelings when I'm around Mei: it's like this floating feeling in my stomach, Luke butterflies, and I don't know why. I also feel my face heat up slightly when she's close to me.

I know what you're thinking;"oh you probably have a crush!" Well that isn't true because Mei is just my best friend. Ok? Just my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
Time skip brought to you by Marcy being a pickle in a jar: before school starts
Anyway as I was putting my books into my locker I heard Mei call my name.
"Hey bestie!" I felt my heart sink for some reason even though that's what we were, besties, so why did it pain me to hear it? Especially from myself?
As she made her way over to me some boys ran past causing her to trip and fall(you'll never guess where) right into me.

I fell down and groaned
"Ugh, ow my head!" I said as I rubbed the back of my head.
"Ah! Mir I'm so so sorry!"
As I opened my eyes one thing became clear.

Mei was on top of me. And wasn't moving off.

521 Words

Hey guys sorry for not posting I've been really busy with school and shit also my motivation=0%

I'll try to post more but I ain't promising anything¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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