"Did you get the message?"


They all joined the search and found it minutes later. It didn't take long for them because they had the watch Melissa was carrying around with her.

"There it is! the timer..."

"But there's no wires how are we gonna turn it off."

"Wait let me..." The blonde haired female then moved around the hour stand in the watch and changed the time line causing the bomb to stop ticking. "It actually worked."

"Eh? What did ya do?" The brunette asked to which Shield responded...

"I just set the time back to last week. The bomb itself would act like it's already exploded and therefore it doesn't exist anymore."

"Do you think we can do this with the others?"

"Possibly, If they don't come with different prototypes of these things." The blondie says while looking down at her compass-watch device.

After what seems to be like forever but was nothing less than thirty minutes.

"Uggh! Finally! Done!" Ochako yawned exhausted.

"It's only been thirty minutes!" Melissa responded to the brunette's behaviour in annoyance.

"Well some of us wants to f*cking sleep!" Bakugo just slumped down on the ground beside the dual haired male and Izuku who were already lying there. "Don't sleep here!" Sero yelled at them and Ochako just giggled but sighed soon after. She doesn't feel comfortable.

"It's too easy, huh?"Melissa exclaimed to which the brunette responded. "Yeah, if it's done it's great but....It feels cheap."

"Sometimes, problems can be solved way easier than you think. Just keep yourself on alert for anything suspicious."

"Sure....." Ochako yawned.
"Is Izuku still asleep?" She asks.

"Yeah... Almost everyone's sleeping now."

"Well, I guess I'm gonna hit the hay too." That was the brunette's last words for that night before plopping down unto the ground, leaving Sero and Melissa in disbelief.

After taking everyone to bed, the two decided it would be a good idea to take hold of both Gentle and Labrava for planting these kind of things in the first place, but....

"They aren't here..."

They searched the entire building up and down and still couldn't find them and it's not only that.... there were no more security cameras, all the rooms were cleaner than humanly possible and even the 'numbered plates' no more had numbers on them.

"Did they escape? Did they sense us coming?"

"I don't know......" the blonde paused for a while and glancing around before continuing. "I don't think they'll be gone for long though.... we've gotta keep our guard up."

"Sure but shouldn't we tell Uraraka about this, she is part of the mission."

"Nah, you fool your friends to fool your enemies. As of now she can only feel uncertain, we should leave it at that...It's better we leave it that she doesn't know."

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