Chapter Twelve

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I sat in my room and thought. I'm usually not the person that regrets stuff but I was regretting a lot today. Everything that happened yesterday was.... Not normal. I lied back onto the Barbie covers and sighed. Jack was still confusing the crap out of me. And I feel so bad about Natalie. Really, I'm not that bitchy not to feel sad about hurting Natalie even if she threatened me. I shouldn't cause her some more depression.

I was going to apologize to her even it kills me and I swear it will kill me. Now, what about Jack? He's been acting so strange lately. Maybe his on his time of the month.

Speaking of the devil, he came into my room an extremely bored expression on his face, "C'mon, we're taking Ava to the library."

"Why don't you just take her?" I wanted some quiet time to think some more. Oh screw it. If I think some more, my brain is going to malfunction.

"Just get up and c'mon," He sauntered out of the room and I followed behind.

"Aren't we a bit moody today?" I smiled, micheviously. "Is it your time of the month?"

He snorted, not replying.

I hurried my pace to meet his, "You know why they call it PMS?" I've meet so many people with PMS that sometimes I think it stands for Potential Murder Suspect.


"Because Mad Cow was already taken," I crack hoping to make him smile, which I need accomplish. He chuckled under his breath as Ava grabbed my hand, "What's PMS?"

I glanced at Jack for help.

He put up his hands in defeat, "You're the one who brought it up."

"Uh... PMS is a... thing a woman gets when... she's really mad."

"What happens?" Ava blinked her big blue eyes at me. Oh crap.

"I'll tell you ten years from now,"

She frowned, "Will you be here ten years from now?"

That's a good question. I probably won't be here ten years from now. It's not like I'm about to marry Jack or something. And it's not like I wanted to promise a kid a lie. That's just mean, "No_"

"Of course, she'll be here, Ava." Jack interrupted, "She'll stay as long as you want,"

Ava beamed, "Yay!" She raced to the car and I raised an eyebrow at Jack.


"Why'd you promise her that?" I asked.

He shrugged, "You never know. It might come true."

Hm... Is he trying to foreshadowing this story?


I rocked back and forth in the comfy chair at the library. Why do libraries have the comfiest chairs? Where do they get them from? Probably China. I listened to Jack reading to little Ava.

You know what I always wanted to do? A flash mob. No joke. Those things look fun as hell. I rocked some more until the old librarian came over and told me to be quiet, "I'm not doing anything, woman."

"You are rocking to loud, young lady."

"What? That guy is rocking his chair and you're not saying anything to him! Are you being racist?" Racist to redheads that is.

"Young lady, quiet your tone. I will kick you out if you do not listen to me."

I was going to tell her to shoved when little Ava stepped up to the lady and screamed, "Get out of her face! I'm PMSing!"

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