"How are you? How was it?"

"Dull. Dull and safe," James said, as Lily rested her head against his chest. "But then when I got back to headquarters Dodge interrogated me for over an hour. How was the archive?"

"Selewyn disappeared again, and I found two new accounts of inferi in Ireland."

James grasped her tighter and kissed her on the forehead. "We don't have to talk about that tonight." He shifted his weight as Lily kept grasping him. "Gingerbread, decorations, mistletoe? All we need is a tree."

"I thought you might want to help with that," Lily confessed. "I don't fancy going out alone right now."

"Me either, Lils. But this looks beautiful. Magical, even."

"Magical," Lily repeated, and astonished herself by suddenly bursting into tears.

"Lily? What's wrong?" It was funny how helpless James looked when faced with a crying woman. Funny enough that Lily began to giggle through the tears, but only ended up snorting. James carefully guided Lily to the couch and passed her a handkerchief. She promptly blew her nose and filled it with snot.

"Lily. What happened?"

"James- Petunia's pregnant," Lily said, and gave an almighty hiccup.

"That's unfortunate for the world, Lils, but not worth crying over," James said sternly. Lily gave another half giggle, half sob.

"My mum wrote to tell me that Tunie's pregnant, and that reminded me that I'm late, and that got me thinking-"

"You're what?"

"I'm late, James. Late. I haven't bloody bled in weeks."

"Are you pregnant, Lily?"

James only ever used her proper name when he was being serious.

"I don't bloody know!" Lily almost shouted. "I've been too scared to find out."

"Then let's find out together," James said. He raised his wand.

"Wait," Lily said. "The book. It has the spell. It's over there."

"I already know the spell," James said.

"Why do you already know the spell?" Lily said hotly. It struck her as unfair somehow that he should know the spell and she did not, and the injustice was enough to stop her tears at least for now. "Did your father teach you or something?"

"Sirius did," James said impatiently. "Are you ready?"

"Why did Sirius teach you?"

"Because he had to learn and he wanted us all to know," James said with an air of great patience.

"But why did Sirius need to learn?"

"Evans. Please. I am trying to make a grand discovery here and you are asking, quite frankly, stupid questions that if you thought for five seconds you could answer yourself."

"Oh my God. Marlene."

"Merlin, Evans. Did you really just realize that?"

Lily felt embarrassed, but at least she wasn't crying anymore. "Shut up."

"It's just been three years and you never realized that Marlene and Sirius were shagging in sixth year?"

"Please stop and do the damn test."

"As my lady commands," James said, and waved his wand over Lily.

"Qui gravidam."

A swooping feeling came through Lily's stomach, and slowly a golden bubble, no larger than a bean, floated above her stomach.

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